GILLIESTON Public School will host representatives of a parliamentary inquiry into school infrastructure, after parents from the school made their case to the inquiry's committee at Parliament House on Monday.
Parents Todd Sellers, Simon Rolfe and Sarah Bird, along with P&C president Katie Ferguson, gave statements in the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into the planning and delivery of school infrastructure in NSW, about the current conditions at Gillieston Public.
"As we read our statements and showed the committee supporting documents they just sat there shaking their heads in disbelief," Ms Ferguson said.
"After sending many letters to the department and receiving only two very disappointing responses, this is the first time we have really felt heard."
Ms Ferguson, who currently has three children attending Gillieston Public, said the facilities "virtually haven't changed" since here her oldest - now in year six - started kindergarten.
"The one major change was that they closed the toilet block because it didn't have a sealed floor and replaced it with demountable toilets. But the stench is horrific," she said.
"There are two private schools being built out here but many parents, including myself, don't have the extra money to pay for education. Quality education should be free and we shouldn't have to fight for that."
"Hopeful" that her message had been heard, Ms Ferguson said committee chair and One Nation MLC, Mark Latham, was among those who made a commitment to visit the school in June.
"You have alerted the committee to something that sounds like it should not be happening in a civilised society, it shouldn't be happening in a state with plenty of resources like NSW so it is very important for committee members to see these things," Mr Latham said during the hearing.
Maitland MP Jenny Aitchison, who met with parents in Parliament House on Monday, has been campaigning for Gillieston Public since 2017. Ms Aitchison welcomed the committee's decision to visit Gillieston Public but said the school needs "the NSW Government to get the cheque book out".
"I am very pleased that members of the Legislative Council Committee have committed to visiting the school in coming weeks and I look forward to welcoming them to the Maitland electorate," Ms Aitchison said.
"I will continue to strongly advocate on behalf of the Gillieston Public School community to the ensure money is allocated for an urgent upgrade."