The new year has arrived, so let’s suss your horoscopes 2025 to see what you’ve got in store, shall we?
Why does one read a horoscope, I hear the sceptics ask? Well, as they say, forewarned is forearmed!
And what better way to arm yourself with knowledge than to see what the future holds, according to the stars.
Ooh, while I’ve got you! If you’re keen to know what the 2025 numerology says, and what your personal life path number is, have a read of our breakdown or suss the TikTok below for instructions:
As PTV’s resident oracle (I’m Matt btw, hi!), it’s been an honour and a privilege to deliver your astrology predictions each month in 2024. But before we sign off for the year, I’ve got one last horoscope round-up for ya!
So what are you waiting for? Let’s dive into the future!
The new year is going to be a doozy for all, with lots of beginnings and endings, retrogrades and eclipses, laughs, smiles and tears. Read on, if you dare…

Your Aries horoscopes 2025 kings and queens.
Your inability and unwillingness to set boundaries has left you feeling stifled and disappointed in your love life, Aries. This will change in 2025 as the experiences you go through during Venus Retrograde (March 1 to April 12) propel you to say ‘enough is enough’ and finally set those clear and concise boundaries. If your partner or your dates aren’t okay with that, I think it’s time to move on to someone who does respect your boundaries.
2025 is all about levelling up in your career as get-shit-done planet Saturn sends waves of success into the Aries career zone. The money moves you make this year could impact your life for the next two years (and beyond) as Saturn remains in your zone for two and a half years. The key messaging is that you need to roll up your sleeves and get to werk in order to reap the rewards and climb the ranks, as you’ve always dreamed of.
Dreamy planet Neptune moves into your sign for the first time in 160 years, so obvs this is going to have a major impact. You will learn the importance of striking a balance between your professional life and your personal life. You’ll be killing it in the workplace, then leaving that shit at the door to go out and live your best life.

Your Taurus horoscopes 2025 kings and queens.
You’ve got pleasing your partner/dates down-pat, but what about pleasuring yourself, Taurus? In 2025, you will begin experimenting with different kinks, positions, perhaps even other genders. In doing so, you will reach your sexual peak and experience pleasure like you’ve never felt before. They key messaging here is to stop settling for second best and demand a higher standard from your partner, from your dates, and from yourself.
Expect big things in your career as transformation planet Pluto returns to your sign. It’s time to dream big and go after those career goals you’ve had since you were a wee lil kid. Whether it’s gunning for a promotion, kickstarting a side hustle, or striking out on your own, planetary energy will support your success this year. If you’ve always wanted to werk for yourself, this would be a great time to put those plans in place as taskmaster planet Saturn links up with power sign Aries, inspiring you to make some major money moves.
In the first half of the year, be sure to take any travel and study opportunities that come your way. You know you’re dying to jet-set, you bougie Taurus babe. Doing so may lead you to major advances in your life as Jupiter spends time in network sign Gemini. Then when Jupiter hits up water sign Cancer in the second half of the year, you will find yourself tied up with a passion project that becomes pretty much everything you can think about.

Your Gemini horoscopes 2025 kings and queens.
The first half of the year bodes well for your love life, Gemini… so be on the lookout for opportunities for lurve. If you’ve been having rotten luck in the dating game, try branching out by joining hobby groups, sporting events, and attending more work functions. You may find ~the one~ in unexpected places! Coupled up? Expect your relationship to reach new heights in 2025.
This year, a cycle kicks off that’ll span the next 18 years of your life, Gemini. The moves you make in the new year will define your lasting legacy — remember this throughout the next 12 months. When you have days when you’re not vibing with your current job, think about whether or not it’ll serve you well in future. If it’s a no, move on. If it’s a yes, stick it out! Think big picture, babyyyy.
Weird planet Uranus lands in your sign for the first time in 76 years, inspiring you to be the beautiful weirdo you’ve always been destined to become. This is the year that you’ll really come into your own and start doing you, rather than following the vibe of other people. Following trends is only holding you back — strike out on your own! Be bold and remember that you don’t just bring good vibes to the table, you ARE the table (and then some).

Your Cancer horoscopes 2025 kings and queens.
Keep an eye out for shady romantic connections in the first half of the year, Cancer. Especially crappy dates, exes, situationships, or toxic behaviour from your partner. In the second half of the year, healthy relationships have the opportunity to flourish and grow so plant those seeds and watch them bloom by the end of 2025.
The first half of the year will see you making wise moves to ensure your money game is on point — be it adopting new spending and saving habits, gaining a promotion, or downsizing in some way, all thanks to abundance planet Jupiter spending time in introspective Gemini. Then, in the second half of the year, you will experience an even greater cash flow and what’s more, you’ll be killing it in your professional zone!
You’ll come out the gates in 2025 busting to hit the ground running with work, love and life, but the planets warn you to please take care of yourself, Cancer. Particularly in the first half of the year, or you’ll find yourself experiencing burnout before we’ve hit the halfway point.

Your Leo horoscopes 2025 kings and queens.
With your love planet Jupiter hooking up with your friendship sector during the first half of the year, you might also find yourself crushing on someone you once considered a mate or a colleague. Sounds hot! Go on with your sexy self, Leo! Already in a relationship? Don’t be surprised if your relationship moves to the next level as expansion planet Jupiter does its thing.
Mars Retrograde rages on in the new year in your sign, so you’ll find yourself fine-tuning your financial goals and pondering where you’re at in your career. Once it ends (February 23, 2025), you’ll be ready to kill it in your chosen field. If there are any projects you’ve been keen to get off the ground, March through to May is the ideal time for this.
As a Leo, you love to do things loud and proud, and this bodes well for the first half of the year, but in the second half when abundance planet Jupiter moves into Cancer, you’ll find yourself doing some introspection and making quiet moves behind-the-scenes. Put your focus on owning your craft and kicking personal goals, rather than stuff that’ll look good on your IG Story. That’s important too, of course. But the growth you experience will teach you to care more about self-love and making yourself proud, rather than receiving attention from others.

Your Virgo horoscopes 2025 kings and queens.
2025 will serve as a reminder to stop searching for perfection in your romantic life. No one is perfect — not even you, Virgo — and in saving yourself for a flawless relationship, you may be holding yourself back from true happiness. Embrace the flaws, lean into them, and who knows, from that unexpected connection, might come your happiest romantic period ever.
The greatest moments in your professional life this year will come through collaborations with others, especially with the North Node in Pisces activating your partnership sector. I know you love to kill it on your own so you don’t have to share the praise, but the planets insist that collaboration is the key to soaring to great heights in 2025 and trust me, your future is looking bright!
The road might get rocky as the eclipses occur in your sign, Virgo. When you see our articles warning you of eclipse season, just know that great change is coming, but it’s necessary change that’ll help you level-up in life. In particular, lunar eclipses will expose the negativity in your life, while solar eclipses will help you shed the dark and embrace the light.

Your Libra horoscopes 2025 kings and queens.
Your dating checklist will alter in the new year and you’ll stop searching for a potential date based on physical attributes and instead focus more on finding a likeminded soul who shares your wants, needs and interests. Just be careful when Neptune propels into your house of relationships from March to October and causes confusion in your love life, whether single or taken. Don’t fall victim to those rose-coloured glasses, as the Libra sign can sometimes do — trust your gut always!
When the new year kicks off, you’ll be less concerned about conquering the world and more concerned with finding a work structure that supports your wellbeing and Libran needs, as the North Nodes shifts into sensitive Pisces on January 11. As you naturally start to deviate from this throughout the year, the eclipses will serve as a reminder to put your health and sanity first and strike a work/life balance. Perhaps you’ll even kickstart a creative project on the side that fuels your fire.
Something you’ve been working towards will finally come to fruition in 2025, Libra. IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME! Not just because it’s a nine year according to Numerology, but also because the lunar eclipse in sweet and sensitive Pisces which lands on September 7 spells success and the completion of a manifestation you’ve been trying to bring to life for some time now.

Your Scorpio horoscopes 2025 kings and queens.
Has your love life been a bit of a shitstorm since 2019? Well, that’s because wild-ass planet Uranus has been in your love sector for the last five years, but in 2025, it will finally move on. As it does this, Saturn will exit your 5th house of <3. This will inspire you to liberate yourself in the way of love, whether it’s by ending a relationship or situationship that’s not working or by tightening your boundaries so you can just do you without having to follow other people’s rules.
Success in 2025 comes in the form of unexpected and unconventional methods that may not involve your main form of employment, Scorpio. Is there a side hustle you’ve been wanting to get off the ground? A small biz? A collab? A creative project? With expansion planet Jupiter hitting up innovative Gemini in the first half of the year, you’ll have the chance to put those plans in motion. Then in the second half of the year when Jupiter shifts into Cancer for 13 months, you’ll find emotional satisfaction in the seeds you previously planted.
Beware the month of May, Scorpio. This will be the trickiest period of the year for you as Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius kicks off on May 4. Given that Pluto is the planet of transformation (not to mention your ruling planet), you will need to let go of toxic habits and cycles and put some work into yourself and do some soul searching in order to course correct after an unfortunate incident.

Your Sagittarius horoscopes 2025 kings and queens.
With Jupiter in your love zone for the first half of the year, expect an influx of cuties entering your orbit. As it’s the planet of expansion, those who are coupled up could see their relationship evolve to the next level. Then in July, Jupiter exits your romantic realm and in its place comes innovation planet Uranus. This will be a time to shake it up, Sagittarius — for singles, start chatting to peeps you usually wouldn’t go for and for those in relationships, seek adventure and play in your relationship.
Sagittarians are collaborative souls who thrive when working with other people — likeminded or not. In 2025, as your planetary ruler Jupiter (which also happens to be the planet of expansion) hits up social Gemini in the first half of the year, expect success through partnerships and collabs. In the second half of the year when Jupiter shifts into sensitive Cancer, you will feel inspired to ditch roles that don’t align with who you are and who you hope to become.
You have visionary ideas, Sag. Always have! But as the ambitious archer, sometimes you reach for the stars without considering what’s actually feasible. It’s always great to have big dreams, but in fostering pie in the sky ideals, you often end up disappointed. In 2025, with the North Node in dreamy Pisces, you’ll learn to ground yourself in reality and fine-tune your goals and wishes so they’re realistically achievable. Once you’ve reached those goals, you can go even further!

Your Capricorn horoscopes 2025 kings and queens.
You’ve never been one to give your heart away freely. You like to fully vet your prospective partners before changing your relationship status. The reason for this is that you like to protect your heart and you only seek out people who can offer you stability. When abundance planet Jupiter hits up your love zone in June — where it will remain for a year — you’ll zero in on this goal of yours. Singles will be even more selective of their dates and those in relationships could see your relationship evolve to the next level by getting engaged, having kids or moving in together.
As your ruling planet Saturn enters firecracker sign Aries in May, your innate Capricorn ambition will kick in and you’ll be on a mission to conquer the world. But beware of missteps and imposter syndrome when Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces in September. During times of great confusion, trust your intuition. You know what you want and what you need to be happy and kill it in your chosen field.
Feel like you’ve been muzzled this year, Capricorn? Like you’re unable to properly express how you’re truly feeling? In 2025, the lines of communication will open like floodgates as Saturn leaves your communication zone after being there for over two years. You are going to surprise yourself with how much you truly give zero fucks about other people’s expectations of you — instead, you will be saying it like it is, unapologetically. Those who get it, get it, and those who don’t, honestly do not deserve to be in your blessed presence.

Your Aquarius horoscopes 2025 kings and queens.
Despite being an Aquarius (read: a free-flowing air sign) and ~seeming~ chill, you’re actually not, even in the slightest — especially in the realm of love. In the new year, as your ruling love planet the Sun experiences times of light and shade, your romantic life will also have times when it pops off, and other times when it goes to shit. During the latter, please do not lose faith — the key messaging here is that the Sun will always come back around and beam light into your love life. Just don’t take yourself out of the dating game when the going gets rough ‘cos you may miss out on meeting your ideal partner.
Making moolah doesn’t need to be a hard slog. In fact, an Aquarian will be damned if they’re not going to LOVE what they do. With abundance planet Jupiter in expansive Gemini during the first half of 2025, you will have the opportunity to actually have fun while earning them dollarydoos. When taskmaster planet Saturn (AKA your secondary ruler) moves into Aries in May, then enters Cancer in June, you’ll find yourself swimming in werk. If you’ve successfully carved out a career you enjoy, you’ll be happy. If not, you’ll be miserable. If it’s the latter, it may be time for a new gig that makes your spirit shine!
With Venus Retrograde beaming into your house of values and beliefs in 2025, the new year will take you on a journey of transformation and self-discovery, particularly where your relationships and friendships are concerned. You might find that you no longer vibe with certain people and in making considered changes to what you will and won’t accept, certain people will exit your life but not to worry because this will leave space for people you actually align with.

Your Pisces horoscopes 2025 kings and queens.
2025 is a ‘yuge year for your love life, Pisces! When the Virgo eclipse occurs in March during Venus Retrograde, you may learn something about someone you’re dating that rocks your boat a lil. In times of confusion, open and honest communication is the only way to cut through the chaos. Love planet Venus’ retrograde will prompt you to change your dynamic in relationships and your approach to love which will end up being for the best!
Your creativity and unique skills and viewpoint are your greatest strength and an asset to any workplace. Remember this, Pisces! Don’t be afraid to brag about how brilliant you are to your current employer to receive a raise, to prospective employers to secure that bag, and to yourself to quell that imposter syndrome. When Jupiter moves into your fellow water sign of Cancer in the second half of the year, your creative prowess will help you earn big bucks from doing what you love.
Stop waiting for things to happen for you. Strike out on your own and grab life by the balls without asking for permission! Your reputation — on a public scale, with your colleagues/friends/fam, and with yourself — has the opportunity for serious growth and development in 2025, but you’ll need to put yourself out there and be bold in order to achieve results and shine like the star that you are.
And that’s a wrap on the horoscopes 2025! Happy New Year, mates.
Matt Galea is the Deputy Editor of PEDESTRIAN.TV, as well as our resident astrologer. You can find him on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.
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