Moon Alert
There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions. The moon is in Leo.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
This is a wonderful day to socialize with others and enjoy playful activities with kids. Accept all invitations to the arts, sports events and hanging out with others. This is also a great date day! Your bottom line is you want to have fun! (You’re very convincing today.)
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Be open to entertaining friends and loved ones at home because this will be a success. Any kind of gathering at your home will be upbeat and joyful. Financial discussions could ultimately benefit your family or your real estate situation.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You’re in a positive frame of mind, which is why this will be a successful day for you. Your ruler Mercury is in your sign, energized by Mars, which means you will express yourself forcefully with vigor, and your optimism and positive attitude will win others to your way of thinking.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Business and commerce are favored. Trust your ability to negotiate financial matters in your favor, because they exist. Discussions with friends or groups might ultimately boost your income. Behind-the-scenes research or advice will also help you.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
This is a powerful day for you! The moon is in your sign dancing with Jupiter at the top of your chart, which means people in authority (including parents and the police) regard you favorably. Interactions with friends and groups will be positive. Why not shop for wardrobe items that make you feel good about yourself?
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Your popularity is strong now. In addition to this, authority figures will listen to you because you are confident and convincing. Meanwhile, you are hatching plans perhaps to travel or do something that will expand your world in a promising way. (This could involve the law or medicine.)
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
This is an excellent day to study or make travel plans or give a speech or a lecture because people will listen to you. This same influence will also give you the intellectual drive to learn and get to the bottom of something. If you want to persuade others, you will!
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
You are admired today. People see you as financially capable, ambitious and yet, charming and likable. (There’s a winner combo.) In addition, your relations with partners and close friends are excellent today. Use this good press to achieve what you want.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Go forward with your ideas to make travel plans because they will be successful, especially work-related travel. (However, because Venus is in the picture, many of you will travel for pleasure as well.) Discussions with partners and close friends will be lively. You might attract someone powerful.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Issues at work will be easily resolved. You might get an increase in your budget or equipment that you need to get because third-party assistance is possible. Meanwhile, do join friends for Happy Hour because this is a fun day to socialize! Work hard, party hard!
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Even though things are unfolding beautifully for you today; nevertheless, be prepared to compromise and go more than halfway when dealing with others. This will be your winning move. This is a strong day for the arts, sports and fun times with children.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Family discussions, especially about home repairs, will go well today. You might be able to recruit the assistance of others to help you achieve what you want to do. (Many hands make light work.) You won’t have trouble delegating — that’s for sure. “Build that bridge!” “Move that mountain!”
If Your Birthday Is Today
Actor Chris Pratt (1979) shares your birthday. You are intelligent, intense and focused. You are also sociable and like to be busy. You have many talents. This is a year of reflection and learning for you. (Some will teach.) Explore philosophies that will give you a better self-awareness and get you closer to the true meaning of your life.