Moon Alert
Avoid shopping or important decisions after 4 p.m. Chicago time. The moon is in Scorpio.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
This is a solid day to review paperwork related to shared property, debt, taxes and all that stuff we like to avoid. Roll up your sleeves and take a look at it because you’ll be surprised at how much you get done. Stay realistic. No pie-in-the-sky stuff.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Choose today for a heart-to-heart discussion with a partner or close friend, possibly about an ongoing situation with your kids, or something to do with travel or higher education. You might not solve things but you can make great headway if you begin.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
This is an excellent day to tackle old business related to your job, especially if it’s connected with your family or your workstation or where you work. Resources and help from others might be the assistance that you need. Think positive and hope for the best!
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
This can be a creative day for those of you who work in the arts or those of you who are involved in sports or working with kids. In particular, you might want to test old ideas or prior methods that interested you before. A partner or close friend might help you.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
A discussion with a female family relative (perhaps Mom) might be effective. This could relate to old money matters or something that you own. You might be able to repair something or find a better way of doing a job. Very likely, you want to help someone.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Communications with others will be meaningful today. You have something to say and someone wants to hear what you have to offer. Perhaps it relates to an old friend or ex-partner? It might also relate to a different approach to dealing with kids, sports or social events.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Be open to taking a new approach to financial matters today and perhaps even how you earn your money. Or this could be how you deal with something that you already own? Someone might help you repurpose an item that you have. Do some research to expand your options.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Today you might have a conversation with an old friend or a group — someone from your past — and this discussion is quite intense. Someone wants to get to the bottom of something. “What’s really going on here?” (You have a talent for seeing the subtext of things.)
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
This is a popular time for you; nevertheless, today you might want to hide in the wings. Discussions about money, possessions or your dealings with a parent or boss might require some delicacy or privacy. Don’t rush into anything.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
People admire you now, especially bosses, parents and people in authority. Obviously, you can make this work for you. Meanwhile, a friend might bring up old issues, possibly related to travel, foreign countries or a makeover project that you might have been interested in.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Be aware of the fact that you are high visibility today. People notice you more than usual. Possibly, someone will help you to wrap up old business related to shared finances or shared property? Some research on your part might help you dig up some helpful information.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Because you need a change of scenery, and you want some stimulation, you are open to ideas about possible travel plans, especially with an old friend or someone you haven’t seen for a while. Furthermore, someone might give you money or help to make this happen. Yay!
If Your Birthday Is Today
Actress Chrissy Metz (1980) shares your birthday. You are talented, intelligent and a bit of a maverick because you call your own shots and do your own thing. You are caring, compassionate and a defender of justice. This year you will receive recognition, awards or perhaps a promotion to acknowledge your work and past efforts. Bravo!