Moon Alert
There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions. The moon is in Leo.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Today you need to be yourself and do your own thing. Therefore, you’ll be more independent than usual, which others might think is demanding. Hey, it’s OK to be who you are. If others don’t like it, maybe you should reconsider the friendship?
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
While others might be out socializing, you feel a need to withdraw to a cubbyhole. You will prefer a relaxing, pleasant time at home — maybe a hot bath, with your favorite drink while you watch a guilty pleasure on the monitor of your choice.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Today you want to talk to others because you want to enlighten someone about something. In other words, you have something to say! (Not surprising for a Gemini.) Nevertheless, try to remain objective. Don’t be impatient with others if they’re just shooting the breeze.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You have money on your mind. You’re also more intense than usual about your possessions and what you own, which is why you might not want to lend something to someone today. This is also why you will be taking care of something you own — cleaning or repairing it.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Today the moon is in your sign. This is something that happens for two days every month and when it occurs, it will always make you more emotional than usual. However, it will also slightly improve your good luck! Ask the universe for a favor. (Try it.)
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
It’s Saturday and of course, it’s the weekend. Nevertheless, for various reasons, you’re tempted to withdraw and be by yourself because it feels reassuring and comforting to do so. You’re not into socializing today. You want to pamper yourself quietly and privately.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Today your interaction with friends will be important to you. You want to hang out with others, either one friend in particular, or perhaps a group. Whatever the case, you will feel that your contact with others has more meaning today. It’s important to you.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
For 2 1/2 days every month, the moon travels across the top of your chart. That’s what’s happening right now, and when this occurs, it tends to attract attention to you. In fact, people seem to be aware of personal details about your private life. (Yikes!) Just so you know.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You’ll feel happier today if you break from routine and do something different. You want to shake things up because you want adventure! Ideally, you would love to travel or have a change of scenery. You also want to learn something new to make life more exciting. Ideas?
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
No matter what happens today, your reaction to everything will be intense. In fact, all your emotional experiences will not only be more intense, you will likely attract intense, powerful people to you. (Like, what’s with that?) You might also feel a bit jealous of someone.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Today the moon is in the sign that is exactly opposite from your sign, which means when you are dealing with others, you will have to go more than halfway. This simply requires finesse, diplomacy and tolerance. Fortunately, you are super skilled at dealing with people.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Today you might have to put your own wants and needs second to the wants and needs of someone else because this is a day of service to others. (For your sign.) Hey, this doesn’t mean you have to be a martyr. It simply means you have to do what is appropriate and decent. Just do it.
If Your Birthday Is Today
Actress, director Angelina Jolie (1975) shares your birthday. You are easy-going and likable. You prefer to do things at your own pace, which is sometimes why you resist making plans. (You want the freedom of choice!) This year is a time for more reflection on your part where you might explore deeper spiritual or religious beliefs. Relax and enjoy.