Moon Alert
Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 3:30 to 7 a.m. Chicago time. After that, the moon moves from Virgo into Libra.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
For 2 1/2 days every month the moon is directly opposite your sign, and when this occurs, you have to be accommodating. In point of fact, you have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. That’s what’s happening today and tomorrow. It’s no biggie. You can do this.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Home and family, especially redecorating projects, as well as a chance to entertain at home are your primary focus right now. In particular, you might look for ways to help someone or be of service to a family member. You might take care of children?
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
It’s Saturday and you are in the mood for fun! Grab every chance to play, socialize, enjoy the arts, catch a movie, see a play, enjoy a musical performance as well as check out sports events and fun activities with kids. Take time for pleasure today!
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
It’s been a busy time for you recently, which makes this weekend the perfect time to cocoon at home. Put your feet up, relax and enjoy yourself amid familiar surroundings. Catch up on laundry. Run the vacuum for 20 minutes. You know the drill.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
This is an interesting weekend because you’re empowered with the sun and Venus in your sign. However, today and tomorrow, you will observe your surroundings. You will appreciate the people in your life. Likewise, you will appreciate the beauty of your everyday world. Sweet.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Today you might find that you identify more closely with the things that you own, which, for example, is why you might not lend something to someone? Or you might feel very personally about a purchase. Keep this in mind to put things in perspective.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
For 2 1/2 days every month, the moon is in your sign. This starts this morning. (see Moon Alert) and when this happens, you will be more emotional; nevertheless, your luck will improve. Oh yes, you will have the edge over all the other signs. Ask the universe for a favor!
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Despite the fact that the sun is at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering spotlight, today you need a bit of privacy. Be smart and seek out ways to keep a low profile. You might want to work alone or do things behind the scenes. That’s just fine.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You might be more involved than usual with a female friend today or, possibly, a member of a group. This discussion could be significant. This is actually a good day to share your goals for the future with someone to get their feedback. It might help.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
For some reason, people seem to know personal details about your private life today. Do be aware of this in case you have to do some damage control. Meanwhile, if you can make travel plans, this will please you because you’re eager to discover new things.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
This weekend you want to shake things up! You’re bored with the same old, same old. You want adventure, excitement and a chance to learn something new. Obviously, you would love to travel somewhere you’ve never been before.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
You’re keen to work and be productive. Today and tomorrow, you’re focused on shared property, taxes, debt and your financial obligations. You need to know how much you have in order to know how far you can go.
If Your Birthday Is Today
Actor Peter Gallagher (1955) shares your birthday. You are a serious person who presents a smooth facade to the world because your image is important to you. You give meticulous attention to details. This is a year of learning and teaching. You might renew your spiritual beliefs. Take time to explore philosophies that give you a better self-awareness.