A Middleton college is working with local police after a random stop and search exercise uncovered 18 out of 25 people carrying drugs. Officers from the Middleton Neighbourhood Team carried out their operation in the area around Hopwood College's Middleton campus and Hopwood Woods earlier this month.
Police were called to the area following a spike in anti-social behaviour and drugs use. They then carried out an operation which saw them stop a total of 25 people under the Misuse of Drugs Act, and 18 of them were found in possession of drugs.
In conjunction with the college, the youths were put in contact with drugs workers and two others, that police said were unconnected to the college, were then issued with cannabis warnings. Since their increased presence, police said issues in the area have subsided.
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A post to the Middleton GMP page wrote: "Officers from the Middleton Neighbourhood Team and in conjunction with Hopwood College (Middleton Campus) have been giving extra visible patrols in and around Hopwood Woods following complaints of Anti Social Behavior and drugs use. During the small policing operation, 25 people were stopped and searched under the Misuse of Drugs Act with 18 of them found to be in possession of drugs.

"Together with the college, these youths were put in contact with drugs workers via the college, and two, unconnected to the college, were issued with cannabis warnings. Both officers and college staff have noticed a decrease in ASB and drugs use within the woods and an increased level of public confidence from dog walkers and young families alike."
The police then confirmed that those found carrying drugs were removed from the college via a suspension whilst internal college disciplinary measures were met. Hopwood Hall reiterated their 'zero tolerance policy' on drugs and anti-social behaviour and said they have effective disciplinary procedures in place.
A spokesperson for the college said: "We have a zero tolerance policy on drugs and anti-social behaviour. We have effective disciplinary procedures in place and our Student Support team and Student Safety Officers work in partnership with a number of external agencies to raise awareness as well as support and initiate referrals into drug prevention groups.
"It’s very positive to have had such good support from GMP’s Middleton Neighbourhood Team and it is great to hear that this joint initiative has had such a positive impact in increasing the level of public confidence in walkers of all ages enjoying the beautiful woodland setting"