Re musical groups with no original members remaining (‘I’m the only one that can say I never quit’: meet the bands with no original members left, 4 August), I see that the Royal Danish Orchestra has been with us for 575 years. Is it too much to hope that Soft Machine will enjoy similar longevity?
John Bevis
Ironbridge, Shropshire
• Beverley Mason (Letters, 30 July) reminisced about a childhood meal of yorkshire pudding smothered with custard. I persuaded Beverley, who is my wife, to recreate this delicacy at home. And we found the perfect accompaniment: a bottle of yorkshire pudding beer which, according to its label, contains “approximately half of a yorkshire pudding”. Our verdict: indescribable.
Mike Pender
• If Rishi Sunak is going to fund chess sets in 100 UK parks (Report, 3 August), could he chuck in a couple of strimmers so that we’ve got a chance of finding them?
Ian Grieve
Gordon Bennett, Llangollen canal
• Who is the oldest youth hosteller? I still have a card at the age of 76 (Letters, 2 August).
Dr John Crossman
Sherborne, Dorset
• I am planning a weekend of wild eating and drinking (Letters, 3 August). It sounds much more lively than going for a picnic.
Siobhán Ní Chuanaigh
Dublin, Ireland
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.