From hopeful, excited, cynical to worried. Change was in the air throughout Newcastle on Sunday following the federal election results.
For Cooks Hill resident John Evans the results should have been a win after voting for Labor his whole life, but he said he is cynical about what it will actually mean.
"I was quite surprised that Labor got as many seats as they did but the main thing Albanese has to do now is live up to all his promises, but like all politicians they say what they are going to do but never do it when they get in," he said.
"I just hope Albanese does better than Scott Morrison."
Labor voter Leo Spittles felt the same. He said it took him a long time to decide who to vote for because of some of the "stunts" Labor has pulled over the years.
"I am glad that Scomo is gone but I hope that Albanese can deliver all his promises which I don't think he can," he said.
"I think there is a lot of issues like housing, unemployment, lowering the cost of living and raising wages which I think is a tough task."
Twenty-year-old Honey Kassel had her first taste of democracy-despite missing out on a democracy sausage - after this election marked her first time she cast a vote in the Newcastle electorate.
"I'm pretty stoked with the result. I went out to vote and then I got to watch it actually have an impact and it was really empowering to see other people voted the same," she said.
"I feel hopeful. It seems like we will actually start on climate action because Labor seems to be on the same page about this as the teal independents and the Greens and those people will have a huge impact on the balance of power federally and help pass things that actually help out the community rather than big businesses."
Greens voter Bryce Jones, 33, said he was surprised by the results, but does not feel much change will be done.
"I was a bit cynical because I lost a bit of trust in the Australian public," he said.
"The Greens did well in Newcastle which was good and surprising, but I don't think it will really do a lot."
Marcus Wright said he hopes the results will mean a better future for the music industry after being ignored by the past government.
"I'm from Carrington so you get into a lot of trouble if you don't vote Labor, but I used to vote the other way but a big change for me was the Prime Minister's association with Hillsong and the lack of respect to the industry I work in," he said.
"I think the results are good for Australia, I think we were heading the wrong way. I am a music promoter and Labor acknowledged the music industry exists while the Liberals didn't."
While Greens voter Richard Bean was happy with the results, he said he is worried about all seats in the Hunter being held by Labor.
"I would rather it wasn't just one party that has all the power in the region but I am just glad that Scott Morrison is history," he said.
"The Greens did well in the Newcastle electorate which I think is a sign of change and a great result that will put pressure on Labor and the Liberals to do more."