Thousands of kilometres of new transmission infrastructure will be built across the Hunter within the next decade to connect dozens of new clean energy projects to the electricity grid.
A draft EnergyCo Network Infrastructure Strategy shows potential corridors to connect solar and wind projects in the Upper Hunter and off the coast.
In addition, new infrastructure will be needed for potential upgrades around Newcastle to support the decarbonisation of existing industries,such as Tomago Aluminium.

Environment and conservation groups are eagerly awaiting the details of final route corridors for the new transmission lines.
The state government will also be keen to avoid a repeat of conflicts resulting from the construction of power lines across private property and conservation lands in regional Victoria and NSW.
Of particular interest in the Lower Hunter are the routes for the Eraring-Bayswater power line (the Hunter transmission project), which could potentially pass through Pokolbin. Likewise the grid connection for the proposed offshore wind project could potentially pass through Glenrock or Blacksmiths.
A section of the Central-West Orana and Hunter Renewable Energy Zone , which interfaces with the Hunter-Central Coast REZ, was redesigned last year in order to preserve high-quality agricultural and farm land in the Upper Hunter .
An EnergyCo spokesman said the authority was finalising the final network infrastructure strategy, which will include further details about the scope and timing of transmission line projects in the Hunter-Central Coast REZ.
"All new transmission projects will require approval under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, which includes detailed environmental assessment and community consultation in accordance with applicable government guidelines," he said.
"EnergyCo will be undertaking further community consultation and stakeholder engagement on the proposed transmission projects in the Hunter region in the coming months.
In its submission to the 2022 Draft Infrastructure Strategy, the Hunter Jobs Alliance endorsed the rollout of new infrastructure but noted there were significant challenges associated with it.
"Planning, developing and constructing a transmission line, in a relatively short time frame, through a relatively populated landscape with already fragmented high conservation value environmental assets poses particular challenges," the submission said.
"We acknowledge EnergyCo's recognition of the social licence challenges, commitment to learn from initial developments such as the Orana Central West Transmission Link, and leading efforts to incorporate social licence factors in project costings."
The Alliance also noted that it was critically important to prioritise the protection of environmental assets in the Hunter's natural landscape.
"The level of existing fragmentation on the valley floor and surrounding slopes, the ecological value of remnant vegetation, and the acknowledged biogeographic value of the Hunter in the national context place a high social licence value on the regional environment," it said.
"We would encourage EnergyCo to engage early and often with independent regional environmental experts and organisations."
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