Another day, another swarm of homophobes getting upset on the internet. This time they’re mad at Tom Holland for getting his back blown out on his new show The Crowded Room. Don’t be jealous, babes. Grindr is free!
In Apple TV+ exclusive The Crowded Room, Holland plays real-life criminal Billy Milligan who was arrested in 1975 for armed robbery and rape. He is the first person to have been found not guilty by reason of insanity. He was found to have multiple personality disorder, or as it’s now known, dissociative identity disorder (and as many as 24 different, distinct personalities), caused by severe abuse from his stepfather.
He was also alleged to have engaged in sexual activities with multiple men while in prison, which is depicted in the series.
The show is a psychological thriller that Holland credits as being the reason he’s taking a break from acting due to the story being so traumatic it “broke” him. I mean, I don’t blame the guy. The facts of Billy Milligan’s life are so disturbing already, I can’t imagine what it would be like trying to portray him on screen.
However, the thing that has the internet up in arms, of course, is the six-second sex scene featured in episode 8, “Reunion”.
#NotMySpiderMan started to gain traction online after the clip went viral, with “fans” of Holland blasting him for depicting a gay man on screen.
“This man said ‘This role broke him and he needs to take a year off from acting’. We clearly can see how you got broken lmao!” wrote one homophobe.
“I thought bro was the best Spider-Man now he out here doing this?!” wrote another homophobe.
“Well that is disgusting…. but not surprising,” wrote a third homophobe.
Others argued that “Tobey would never”, referring to Tobey Maguire who played Spider-Man in the first trilogy.
The thing is, both Tobey Maguire AND Andrew Garfield have played gay men in cinematic roles. What say you now, internet trolls?
Some comments even suggested Holland was taking on The Crowded Room in a bid to get revenge on his current girlfriend Zendaya for her upcoming movie Challengers, in which she has a steamy threesome.
The number of brain worms that would need to be burrowing into my noggin for me to even begin to think this way is astronomical. Media literacy is in decline! These people are ACTORS! Let them be gay, do crime and kiss people!
Thankfully, a large number of people showed their appreciation for Holland’s performance in The Crowded Room, which has a lot more to it than a quickie on camera. But you know, celebrating the “sex” scene is also welcome.
It’s not surprising that internet trolls with nothing better to do would hate on Holland for a gay sex scene.
Too often we see queer men experience hatred from straight men for exhibiting feminine traits. Homophobia is rooted in sexism, after all.
Nothing gets homophobes pissier than seeing a “masculine” superhero actor explore other facets of their acting skills by portraying someone who enjoys gay sex. To them, gay sex is considered a “feminine” trait, and men being feminine makes them “weaker”.
Honestly, it feels like the only type of people straight men respect and adore is other straight men. Maybe they should date them.
The post Homophobes Are Mad At Tom Holland’s New Hot And Steamy Gay Sex Scene & It Sucks To Be Tasteless appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .