Slumlords are notorious for shirking their duties and leaving their tenants hanging. That’s when they’re not raising rent and cheaping out on maintenance, which is a common complaint from people who rent.
One homeowner’s slumlord neighbor thought he’d be able to sidestep his half of the cost of removing some trees, claiming he was broke. With no alternative, the homeowner paid for the whole job themselves but ended up getting their own back later.
More info: Reddit
Slumlords often avoid their responsibilities towards tenants, but one person found a way to take revenge

Image credits: Redd F / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
When they asked their slumlord neighbor to split the cost of removing some trees, the slumlord claimed he was broke

Image credits: Newbeee Tree / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The person ended up paying for the whole job themselves but held a quiet grudge against the shirking slumlord

Image credits: / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Later, the slumlord asked for access to their property to remove some trees, but they told him he’d have to pay $4K for it

Image credits: TheToiletDestroyer
The slumlord begrudgingly cut a check a week later, allowing the person to claw back half of the money they’d spent getting the trees cleared
OP begins their story by telling the community that the house next door to them is a rental property they had some issues with earlier this year. Apparently, there were two massive spruce trees growing on the property line and causing damage to their property. They go on to add that, in their area, it’s the law that the cost for tree removal should be split evenly between both homeowners.
According to OP, the tree removal was expensive and took a few days to get done. When they approached the owner about sharing the cost, he told them he was broke. With no other option available to them, OP ended up paying for the whole job rather than pursuing legal action against the errant slumlord.
OP didn’t have to wait long to get their revenge, though. When the tenant renting the slumlord’s property passed, the slumlord wanted to sell the house, but an inspection of his property revealed some problematic trees that would need to be removed before a sale could go through.
The slumlord came knocking on OP’s door, asking for permission to use their yard to access the trees. OP told him sure, but it was going to cost him $4K, exactly half the amount he had to shell out to deal with the spruce trees. The slumlord complained but ended up cutting a check for OP the following week, proving that revenge can be as lucrative as it is sweet.

Image credits: Arina Krasnikova / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Property laws are there for a reason, and the slumlord’s attempt to skip out on paying his half was just plain cheeky, if not illegal. While OP got their due in the end, what else could they have done to compel the slumlord to cough up his fair share? We went looking for answers.
According to the FindLaw website, trees and neighbors can, at times, become a volatile combination, so it’s important to know your rights and responsibilities before resorting to extreme measures when dealing with tree-related disputes.
When the tree trunk is divided by the property lines of two or more people, it is referred to as a “boundary tree.” In the case of a “boundary tree,” all the property owners own the tree and share responsibility for it.
According to NOLO, city governments have been known to step in to take care of or make the owner take care of dangerous trees. Some cities even have ordinances that prohibit maintaining any dangerous condition, including a problematic tree, on private property. If your neighbor refuses to take action, you can sue in regular court, providing you have proof that the tree really does pose a danger to you.
OP mentions that they wanted to avoid the cost and hassle of dragging the case through the courts, though, so perhaps the route they took was truly for the best, especially considering the ice-cold revenge.
What would you have done if you’d found yourself in OP’s shoes? Do you think they should have headed to court to compel the slumlord to pay up right from the start? Let us know your opinion in the comments!
In the comments, readers agreed the homeowner should have charged the slumlord neighbor even more, especially since their yard was about to become a throughway for trucks