A homeowner has been told his new garden fence has won a reprieve - after repainting it green.
David Soar from Dalkeith, Scotland appealed to Midlothian councillors to overturn the decision by their planners to refuse permission for his fence.
They said it stood out as a prominent and "somewhat stark" feature, reports Edinburgh Live.
In his appeal, the applicant said he had repainted the fence.
Initial photographs showed it had been transformed from a reddish colour to a green hue.
He explained that the fence was no longer "a stark feature" adding that: "Colour has been changed to green in keeping with other boundary treatments in the street."

He stated that no complaints had been lodged to the fence by neighbours, adding that the garden "has become a pleasant useable space with increased security, privacy, reduction in pollution and traffic noise" since the fence was put up."
After a site visit to the house on Elmfield Park, members of the council's Local Review Body, agreed with the applicant.
Councillor Colin Cassidy said: "My opinion is that in light of the streetscape in that particular street and surrounding streets that this isn't offensive or intimidating.
"I don't find it in any way intrusive on that streetscape to be honest.
"Most of us felt the same, we thought it was a real hedge when we drew up there."
Councillor David Virgo agreed saying: "The steps that have clearly been taken to mitigate the impact of the fence are perfectly adequate."
The review body agreed unanimously to uphold the appeal and allow the fence to stay.
Earlier this year, one woman expressed her annoyance after her neighbour decided to go ahead and paint their side of their shared fence without telling her - in the process, leaving her side in need of painting.
She took to Mumsnet anonymously to ask for advice, explaining: "My neighbour has painted their side of their fence...without telling me? My side looks awful now.
"If they had told me they were doing it, I would have arranged to get my side done too.
"It's a totally different colour and the top and sides are the new colour, as are all the drips on my side.
"They did this a few years ago as well but it was the same colour and I still had to promptly paint my side because it looked so bad with the drips.
"I probably said nothing at the time. I will need to get my side painted the same (neighbours choice of colour again) - I don't know whose fence it is, if anyone's, it was here before we both moved here, but it maybe is theirs."
The woman went on to say how she's just annoyed because they usually have a good neighbourly relationship.