A single mum evicted from her home after her landlord sold the property has been forced to live in a Travelodge room with her two children.
Kirsty Warner was moved into the single room by Enfield Council as emergency accommodation when she lost her home.
However, the 36-year-old says the hotel is unacceptable as she is sharing the room with her sons, five and ten, and is having to wash their school uniforms in the shower.
She also says she is having to spend four hours a day travelling to and from their schools because they now live far away, whereas they used to have a two minute commute, MyLondon reported.
Their financial situation is also being affected as they are existing on takeaways, with no kitchen available.
Kirsty said: “The kids really aren't coping with it, they’re crying themselves to sleep. I want to go home.
“I feel so tired and drained and it’s costing an absolute fortune getting backwards and forwards, and food, because you’ve got to live off a takeaway for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
"The kids’ clothes get washed in the shower, the little ones bottles get washed in the sink.
“The older one's got ADHD and he hates being in confined spaces and the younger one is being tested for ADHD but he has breathing difficulties.
“Being in here where it’s so enclosed...I’ve sent him to school today with a bad chest."
"I could get a call from the school saying he’s had to go to hospital in an ambulance and I wouldn’t be able to get there quickly."
The mum added she is desperately hunting for a new house but struggling to find anything suitable to move into.
She explained: “I only got my housing officer about two days ago.
“The day I came in here I was meant to transfer from one housing officer to another but I didn’t get one
“I spent a week constantly trying to get though to someone [at the council] on the phone to find out who my housing officer was.
"They’re meant to help but they don’t. They say it’s your responsibly to find your own property, but there aren't any properties out there, and there aren't any properties in the council’s price range."
A spokesman for Enfield Council said: "Ms Warner was provided emergency accommodation which is in short supply generally.
"We are supporting Ms Warner to help her move into her own privately rented home through our Find Your Own Home scheme and by working with partner landlords and agents.”