Marilyn is shaken in today's episode of Home and Away (1.45pm on Channel 5. Check our TV Guide for full listings) after the threat left on her voicemail.
It's clear Marilyn's upset someone by taking on Stunning Organics, and she's spooked by the nasty message and scared about what could happen to her friends.
Roo insists she goes to the police and tells them everything and Marilyn thinks it's a good idea, but not wanting to worry Alf, the women agree to keep it secret from him.

At the police station, Rose says she's confident they can catch whoever sent the the message, but she warns Marilyn and Roo to be careful until they do.
Later, Rose calls Marilyn into the station and tells the frightened woman that she has bad news - she's discovered the caller ID was tampered with which means the person making the threats has gone to a lot of trouble to hide their identity.

Elsewhere, Rose is determined she and Mali are going to be friends, but Xander's not convinced friendship will be enough for Rose.
When Rose calls into Mantaray Boards, there's an odd atmosphere, and Mali admits to Mac he doesn't want to send Rose the wrong signals. Awks!

Meanwhile Mac's planning a big surprise celebration at Salt for Mali's birthday with John in charge of keeping Mali distracted so he doesn't guess what's going on.
When Rose comes home from work, she finds Xander dressed for the party, and she's devastated to find out she's not invited!
Home and Away continues on Friday at 1.45pm on Channel 5.