Warren Fox (Jamie Lomas) tells Mercedes McQueen (Jennifer Metcalfe) he urgently needs her help and he’s not going to take no for an answer in tonight’s Hollyoaks on at 7pm (See our TV Guide for full listings).
An angry Warren who is currently terrorirising half of Hollyoaks since the tragic death of his daughter, Ella Richardson (Erin Palmer), tells Mercedes he needs her to launder money through the garage.
However, a defiant Mercy flatly refuses and soon the argument between the exes is hotting up.

Prince McQueen (Malique Thompson Dwyer) walks in and tries to put a stop to their fight but a raging Warren lashes out and throws an object at him.
Later on Warren is horrified to learn what Mercedes has done with his cash!
Meanwhile the McQueens are busy organising a car wash to to make a bit of money for Mercedes twins that she is expecting.
They get some flyers printed up featuring a photograph of Prince to pull in the punters, however some misleading wording leaves Prince getting a lot of unwanted phone calls. What exactly has gone awry?

Over at The Dog, Tony Hutchinson (Nick Pickard) confides in Sally St Claire (Annie Wallace) about his daughter Rose Lomax (Ava Webster) wanting to transition to a boy.
Sally encourages Tony to get some proper support for himself and his wife Diane (Alex Fletcher) so that they can both help guide Rose through the transition.

Tony takes Sally’s words on board and makes makes an appointment at the doctors for Rose.
However, when Diane finds out what he’s done she’s worried it’s too soon and expresses her concerns.
After accidentally breaking a wing mirror outside the garage, Rose ends up confiding in Mercedes who reminds them to not let anyone stop them from being who they really are.

Elsewhere a frightened Leah Barnes (Ela May Demircan) and Lucas Hay (Oscar Curtis) don’t want to be at their home anymore as they’re terrified that a vengeful Warren will come to hurt them.
Warren has been hungry for payback ever since discovering that it was their dad, Ste Hay (Kieron Richardson) who was behind the wheel of the car that killed his daughter Ella.
When Cindy Cunningham (Stephane Waring) walks by and sees how distressed the teens are, she tries to comfort them and reminds them their dad’s actions aren’t their fault.
Refusing to let Warren kick them out of their own house, Lucas returns home.
Meanwhile, lawyer James Nightingale (Gregory Finneagn) manages to get Ste released on bail but Ste is upset when he receives a less than warm welcome home from his kids.

Plus, after recent incidents at the Osborne family and with both Suzanne Ashworth (Suzanne Hall) and her son JJ (Ryan Mulvey) suffering injuries, they are soon being visited by social services.
JJ’s twin sister, Frankie (Isabelle Smith) keeps quiet when questioned by the social worker and later snaps at her mum.
Thinking Frankie needs her independence, Suzanne decides to move out but disaster is soon about to strike!
What has happened to Frankie now?
Hollyoaks airs Monday- Friday on E4 at 7pm.