Holly Willoughby was left hiding away behind the tombola as co-star Phillip Schofield awkwardly argued with a caller on This Morning today.
The caller - Karen - had been hoping to win some money on Spin To Win, but ended up saying 'hi' before the passphrase.
However, she insisted that she hadn't and went on to argue with Phil - who later asked for the show to send her a bag of shizzle.
As they dialled the first number, the woman at the other end said: "Hello, ay calara."
They had been attempting to say the password "ay caramba", but the hosts were left confused as Phil said: "What?"
Holly had her head in her hands as Phil walked towards the camera and said: "Hello Karen, what?"
"Ay ca - sorry I can't pronounce it," she replied.
But Phil retorted: "No, you said hello!"
"No I didn't," she replied.
Nodding his head, Phil said: "Yeah you did! It's on tape! Watch it back!"
Cringing, Holly put her hand in front of her face before crouching behind the tombola.
"Sorry Karen, bye," Phil said. "Oh, that's heartbreaking."
"I can't bear it," Holly said.
"No I didn't," Phil responded, but Holly continued: "Oh, I can't bear it! Don't talk because I can't bear it!"
"Those are the rules," Phil said firmly.
"She did say hello, didn't she? Those are the rules," Holly winced.
"It's the first thing I did say," Phil said. "You just can't say hello! Oh Karen, we've not had that before."
Holly reprimanded him: "Don't do that! Sorry Karen!"
"There are a number of different ways this can go wrong," Phil said. "Poor old Karen, can we send her a bag of shizzle?"
Holly exclaimed "Yeah!" as they moved on to the next caller.
*This Morning airs weekdays at 10am on ITV