From Dec 29 to Jan 1, there were 1,664 traffic accidents in which 218 people were killed and 1,647 injured and the southern province of Surat Thani reported the most accidents, according to the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation.
Director-general Boontham Lertsukekasem released the figures for the first four days of the seven-day New Year holiday road safety campaign on Monday.
He said Surat Thani province had the most traffic accidents, 56.
The northeastern province of Sakon Nakhon had the highest number of injured people at 57, and the northernmost province of Chiang Rai the highest road death toll, at 12.
These figures were down on the first four days of the road safety campaign last New Year, during which the death toll was 226 with 1,894 people injured in 1,915 traffic accidents.
On Sunday, New Year's Day, there were 478 traffic accidents in which 66 people were killed and 465 left injured.
Mr Boontham said speeding was the most common cause of accidents (37%), followed by drink driving, (33%). Motorcycles were involved in 88% of accidents.
The time period with the most accidents, 15.7%, was midnight to 1am, he said.