Hogwarts Legacy will receive official PC modding support through the repository CurseForge starting January 30, but the magic action RPG's console players won't stand for it.
"So the other platforms have... nothing? Are you serious? Well, I hope the rumors about a director's cut version are true, because, otherwise it would be disgusting to offer new content only to PC players," replies one Twitter user to developer Avalanche's announcement about the modding support update, which will be available in a patch on both Steam and the Epic Games Store.
While console ports of games like Skyrim and, more recently, Baldur's Gate 3 offer some modding infrastructure to console players, too, it is simply a sad fact of gaming that consoles have strict security requirements that PCs don't. In 2016, for example, Bethesda could not provide mod support for PS4 after Sony decided "they will not approve user mods the way they should work: where users can do anything they want," the developer quipped at the time.
So Hogwarts Legacy fans' reaction to the game's PC update is sort of surprising, especially since, nearly two years after its release, Hogwarts Legacy has received plenty of useful console improvements – just this past summer, an update allowed everyone to put on a ratty little prisoner uniform with holes in it.
But not everyone wants to put on a ratty little prisoner uniform with holes in it. Some console players want to ride a vacuum cleaner through the clouds, as a video revealing Hogwarts Legacy's mod update demonstrates.
"We need this on consoles, I'm begging," cries one popular reply on YouTube.
"You are sitting on a train, longing for the freedom that comes with driving a car," responds another.
The release of Hogwarts Legacy has been the subject of criticism and debate due to J.K. Rowling's public stance on gender identity, which continues to challenge the inclusivity at the heart of the Harry Potter community. Here is our explainer on the Hogwarts Legacy controversy.