Like many of the NHL’s decisions over the years, hockey fans are definitely taking this news well.
For some time now, it seemed as if the NHL wasn’t too far off from introducing advertisement patches on jerseys. After adding ads to helmets in 2020, the NHL has since permitted teams to add advertisement patches on jerseys within the last year. And now, ahead of the 2022-23 season, we’re finally getting our first look at what form these ads will take on some teams’ jerseys.
On Monday, the Montreal Canadiens revealed that 23-year-old Nick Suzuki has been named captain of the team — the youngest in franchise history — but what drew many hockey fans’ attention was the Royal Bank of Canada advertisement patch on the jersey.
Nick Suzuki, 23, is Canadiens' 31st captain and youngest in club https://t.co/jaQuM1ZrEQ pic.twitter.com/6eSFlU7ttd
— Hockey Night in Canada (@hockeynight) September 12, 2022
The Canadiens aren’t the first team to unveil their advertisement patch for the upcoming season, as the Washington Capitals, Pittsburgh Penguins, Minnesota Wild and more will be sporting a new addition to their sweaters this season.
The NHL jersey ad, as modeled by @Capitals Hendrix Lapierre pic.twitter.com/WZwLSCgeSz
— Greg Wyshynski (@wyshynski) September 6, 2022
Given how sacred the Canadiens jersey is to some, it’s no surprise NHL fans reacted with revulsion at the small blue square now adorning such a historic piece of fabric. Sure, the Canadiens could have done a better job blending it in with the jersey like the Capitals did, but it’s not an affront to human nature like many are making it out to be.
Hockey fans were decidedly split on the Canadiens’ jersey advertisement patch, with some heralding in the end of times for the NHL while others were apathetic to the proceedings.
Many NHL fans were not happy with the advertisement patch on the Canadiens jersey
Ads on NHL jerseys are a terrible idea. If it *really* has to happen, put 'em on the shoulder. Front and centre next to the greatest logo in sport is not where an RBC ad should go. https://t.co/eNMrukNKdj
— Buzz Bishop (@buzzbishop) September 12, 2022
No NHL jersey ads will look good but the smartest things teams can do is find a partner with a logo that works with their jersey. It narrows the field of options but looks so much better when the logo matches the teams colour scheme.
— big bum daddy (@spencerdjblake) September 12, 2022
So far I didn’t really mind jersey ads in the @NHL — as they were pretty low-key.
This time, with the @CanadiensMTL — they’re straight up atrocious.
The bigger the franchise, bigger the spotlight. With a classic jersey like this, it just doesn’t sit well with me. 🫢 pic.twitter.com/8w7UTdmWmS
— Juraj Kralik 🇺🇦 (JK) (@KralikJuraj) September 12, 2022
NHL jerseys are sacred. Putting an ad on them is so tacky and wrong.
— SENS TALK (@senstalk_) September 12, 2022
I see a change in the CHC vestments, a bank ad on la sainte flanelle. To quote the conscience and chronicler of @CanadiensMTL, Red Fisher, "Sigh." The fact this was inevitable doesn't make it feel less like a desecration.
— Michael Farber (@MichaelFarber3) September 12, 2022
There are far more important things going on in the world, but jersey ads in the NHL are such a huge bummer. https://t.co/NYLNTOqdvi
— Matt Vaughan (@mpvaughan) September 12, 2022
NHL fans reacting to ads on jerseys pic.twitter.com/KzJThXcnUj
— Hockey Players With Animals (And Other Chaos) (@animalsofhockey) September 6, 2022
Ads in NHL jerseys are trash. If you’re ok with ads being on them, you’re also trash. Sorry, not sorry.
— Valhallerie (@sevenohthree) September 12, 2022
— Brian Hedger (@BrianHedger) September 12, 2022
However, other NHL fans weren't nearly as bothered about the ads on jerseys
"Ads on jerseys? The NHL has gone too far!" he says while sitting in Bell Centre, watching a game with ads on the ice, boards and more CGI'd onto the rink, with players rocking helmet ads, waiting to see the RBC GWG scored and the Crypto dot com 1st Star of the Game revealed.
— Greg Wyshynski (@wyshynski) September 12, 2022
Just my opinion, but ads on jerseys is a revenue stream the NHL can’t, and shouldn’t, turn away from. I can appreciate that some fans feel like the flag is being desecrated, but it’s 2022 and this is where the business is going.
— Eric Engels (@EricEngels) September 12, 2022
Since NHL teams have ads on jerseys y'all going to stop watching?? pic.twitter.com/foe4mrePFE
— Evan F. Moore (@evanFmoore) September 12, 2022
there are bigger things to worry about other than ads on nhl jerseys. i promise it won’t make a difference to the game itself <3
— roxanne (@onntherox) September 12, 2022
Obviously no one likes the jersey ads, but the fact of the matter is hockey (along with every other major sport) sold its soul to the marketing devil a long time ago.
I'm surprised it took this long to put ads on jerseys, tbh.
— Marc Dumont (@MarcPDumont) September 12, 2022
I think it's great that the NHL is adding even more ads, because previously I wasn't familiar with which banks exist in Canada.
— draglikepull (@draglikepull) September 12, 2022
These NHL jersey ads are fine. It is more revenue to the league. Nothing wrong with a higher salary cap.
— Greg Boysen (@GregBoysen) September 6, 2022
Also can ppl stop thinking the nhl will do like in europe with the ads LOL it’s just gonna be like the nba and it’s fine
— ⁶𓅓🦦 (@sickyvstheEarth) September 12, 2022
I'm fine with jersey ads in the NHL so long as fans can still buy jerseys without them.
— Emmanuel (@iTheHabsGuy) September 6, 2022