The Big Brother 25 frontrunner has also become the house villain, and his sights were set on Reilly.
The rivalry between geriatric physician Hisam Goueli, the reigning Head of Household in the Big Brother season 25 cast, and bartender Reilly Smedley came to a head on the Thursday, August 17, live eviction episode. Though Hisam nominated both Reilly and Cameron for eviction this week, a decision he doubled down on after winning the Scramble-themed veto comp, it was very clear who the doc's real target was.
Hisam blamed Reilly's own HOH tenure as the reason for the divide in the house between the younger players, known as The Handful alliance, and his own Professors alliance, made up of older contestants like Cirie, Izzy and Felicia, reasoning that he condescendingly explained to Reilly earlier this week.
"I can't believe it. I'm like literally in a feud with a 45-year-old man. What is going on?" Reilly exclaimed in a confessional. She later added of Hisam: "God he rubs me the wrong way. He really rubs me the wrong way."
And it's not only Reilly who isn't loving Hisam these days. His bluntness and cockiness in discussions with other houseguests, including members of his own alliance, had viewers thinking that maybe the rest of the BB25 crew would pull off a blindside and not go along with Hisam's master plan to evict Reilly.
Cirie remembered that Reilly had made a promise to her back during her HOH reign that she would keep Cirie safe if she would reciprocate in the future. But Cirie didn't know if it was prudent to her long-term game to cross her alliance with Hisam and the rest of the Professors crew.
In the end, despite drumming up sympathy for Reilly throughout the house, the live eviction saw Smedley voted out unanimously from Big Brother.
"I'm not sure why you put us on opposite sides," Hisam told her in his goodbye video, "but regardless, one, you are worthy, and two, you are pure gold."
Fans react to that Reilly Big Brother 25 eviction
Big Brother devotees also weren't taken by Hisam's hubris this week and were saddened by the loss of Reilly. "She got a raw deal," one viewer posted on Twitter. See other fan reactions to this week's eviction below:
#BigBrother you just lost like half ur viewers GIVE US OUR GIRL BACK #BB25 pic.twitter.com/uuowadsL9cAugust 18, 2023
Big mistake @CBSBigBrother. People don’t want to watch #Cameron. Keeping the #Reilly & #Hisam rivalry & Reilly there for #Matt was a way better way to go! #BBLF #BB25 #BigBrother https://t.co/cgbio8IKoIAugust 18, 2023
#BigBrother #BigBrother25 the younger people all forming an alliance and going against the older people was already not the right way to play. You have to be more self-aware than that. Riley HOH split the house early and im glad that young alliance is already exposedAugust 18, 2023
Reilly really is a class act! I'm sad to see her go. She got a raw deal and could've gone far in the game. #BigBrother #BigBrother25 #BB25August 18, 2023
If Hisam wins and Reilly goes home.... I will revolt #BigBrother25 #bigbrotherAugust 18, 2023
#BB25 Hisam is the villain, Reilly is the helpless princess, Jag/Matt are the knight in shining armor, Cam is the fool, Felicia is NOT #DenzelWashington sister! #BB25 #BigBrother25 #bigbrotherAugust 18, 2023
Reilly is classy and adorable. Bring her back. Way classier than Hisam, who is emotionally a 5 year old. #BigBrother25 #BigBrotherAugust 18, 2023
Reilly for the next All-Stars 🗣️🗣️🗣️ #BigBrother25 #BigBrotherAugust 18, 2023
I hope there’s a blindside like sending #Reilly right back in to the #BigBrother house or there’s going to be the opportunity for 1 to return! Otherwise this unanimous vote was BORING & annoying. #BBLF #BB25August 18, 2023
The way hisam has been gunning for the handful alliance and talking trash about his own and EVERYONE still went with his plan to evict Reilly.. #BigBrotherAugust 18, 2023
omg reilly with julie is actually so cute i wish she stayed 😭 but she kinda seems happier out of the house. she was stressed in there!! #bb25 #BigBrother25 #BigBrotherAugust 18, 2023
New episodes of Big Brother season 25 air Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays on CBS and streaming on Paramount Plus. The Big Brother season 25 live feed is also available on Paramount Plus and Pluto TV.