It must be an unwritten rule in Metallica that members of the hard rock giants should have at least one Mancunian indie-rock star in their friendship group. It’s always felt like an odd pairing that Lars Ulrich and Noel Gallagher are good friends but now it transpires another member of Metallica has made in-roads into the Manc-Metallica Club too. In an interview with this writer earlier this year, Tim Booth of veteran indie crew James explained that him and Metallica bassist Robert Trujillo were lunch buddies. It came to light as he explained a funny if slightly awkward anecdote involving Trujillo.
“I was in Topanga, Los Angeles with Robert, a lovely guy,” he began. “It was the first time I’d really hung out with him – his kid goes to our kid’s school and we were having lunch together, a lovely meal.”
Booth said the pair hadn’t spoken about it their respective backgrounds, and that as far as he knew, Trujillo had no idea he was even in a band, let alone a band that has sold over 25 million albums and had a run of sizeable UK hits. They were just two dads having some lunch.
“These two fans come up and go, ‘Excuse me?’,” Booth continued. “And of course Robert turns to them, not knowing what I do or anything, and he’s like, ‘Oh yes, of course, and gets out his pen to sign something and they go, ‘Are you Tim Booth from James?’ and they do a real fan number on me in front of him. He just knows me as Luca’s dad! It was so funny and such a nice little flip moment because I was expecting it to be Metallica fans. I wasn’t expected James fans in Topanga. That was a funny moment.”
What with Lars and Robert now paired up, we just need Kirk Hammett and James Hetfield to complete the set. Maybe Kirk could become mates with one of the Courteeners, and I think James and one of Blossoms could be a pretty decent duo.