It can be sobering to realize that oftentimes, the most painful things you hear from someone don’t come from an enemy and often aren’t even intended to be insults. The truth is that our loved ones can and will sometimes tell us things that can hurt very badly, with both good and ill intent.
Someone asked “What’s the most hurtful thing a man can hear from a woman?” and people shared their relevant examples. So get comfortable as you read through, upvote the most insightful posts and be sure to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.
When I was about 20 one of my best friends came around and was upset that a guy had rejected her and said she wasn't attractive. She was crying and slightly drunk, as I hugged her she said "now I understand what it must feel like to be you".

Image credits: nyerueutyuerytw4yne6
Every argument I have had with my sister's since I was a child has resulted in my mum saying "you know what they are like, just let them have their way" because apparently I can take it better. I've basically been told my entire life that my opinion is irrelevant because I am a man and don't cry about it and therefore it doesn't affect my feelings.
I had a drinking problem 6 years ago. I broke up with my gf because subconsciously I knew I was in a bad head space. Didn’t want to take her down with me. She came to grab her stuff from the house. We lived together. She said to me “Don’t become your father. You are better than him.” My father and mother are both alcoholics. Mother has been sober for 30+ years. Father has not and is awful while drinking.
Her saying this broke me. I quit drinking less than one week later. S**t f****d me up. Hurt me to my core. But I thank her daily for saying this to me. Not literally.But got my head straight. Might not be exactly what this post is asking for. This is my worse experience but at the same the best.

Image credits: BeardedVirgin23
We can stay married, but as friends. I want to pursue the other man.
No, thank you. Here is a divorce for you.

Image credits: Lucious_Lippy
"You're too sensitive, it feels like I'm dating a girl."
My first ex told me this, and I thought it was a me problem. Turns out there are women who don't have a problem with sensitive guys (e.g. my wife).

Image credits: TrumpetsGalore4
Once had someone tell me, after years of being the "rock" in the relationship, "You're just not that strong, are you?" It's like all those moments of supporting them suddenly meant nothing.

Image credits: BlossomMonica
For me, it was when she said "I'm only with you because you've got a big d**k and know how to use it. I never really gave a s**t about anything else."
In response to me opening up about a few emotional things and the experience of being roofied by an older (adult) woman when I was 14 at a middle school party.

Image credits: IcariusFallen
Using something you never told anyone else against you.

Image credits: Personal_Term3858
When you’re trying to communicate your wants and needs in a friendship/relationship and they basically say “this is who I am, I’m not going to accommodate for you”
By all means, prioritize yourself, but friendships are a two-way street, so you can’t expect to just mindlessly do what you want and expect everyone to adjust to what you’re doing.

Image credits: erazedcitizen
“You are not the father”.

Image credits: C1sko
“He was just better in bed”.

Image credits: Terrible_Departure90
“your brother f***s better than you. but worse than your dad. but they’re both better than you. also we’re getting divorced because i’m having your best friends baby”.
“I wish I never had a child with you”
“I’m going to make sure you only get supervised visits to see your daughter”
“You’re so f*****g stupid, you f*****g ape”
Then the next day , acts like nothing happened and business as usual. Just because your close to having your period , doesn’t mean you get to base all your actions and words on the emotions your feeling .
Letting emotions run your life makes you weak and undesirable.
(This is brief, and a lot more things have been said. I literally have never said anything bad to her to make sure I don’t sink to that level).

Image credits: TiddybraXton333
You’re not enough for me; I’m moving on to better.

Image credits: True_Career6642
“His jokes are funnier” might as well be saying you want a divorce.

Image credits: SaviorAir
"But you're so nice, how come you're single" if i knew I wouldn't be single and rubbing salt into that wound isn't doing any favors.

Image credits: MariusDarkblade
I lost most of my hair around 25 years old. It was tough for me and I started thinking about hair transplant but I was not sure at 100% if I wanted to proceed. I was playing squash with my ex-girlfriend when we started having the discussion during a break. With the sweat, my hair looked even thinner and closer to what I would actually look like completely bold.
She starting crying when she heard about my hesitation and told me to do it because “I disgusted her” like this.
It was tough, especially because you don’t have much control on boldness and it is a common issue for many young men.

Image credits: Jujulechaud
"Is it in yet?".

Image credits: UndeadSickness
You have been raising a child that's not yours. That's the biggest L a guy can't take and the biggest insult.
I was once told that I 'wasn't toxic enough' i don't think that really hurt me, but I still think about that sometimes.

Image credits: captalnAw3s0m32
“The only reason you didn’t get me pregnant when i stopped taking my birth control, is because you’re a lesser species.”
We werent even trying to have a baby in the first place…..?
I don't like the movie Crocodile Dundee II.

Image credits: EdwardBliss
Your mom must be so disappointed in you.

Image credits: Danimal82724
To me the most hurtful thing was getting nothing at all I got broken up with and asked what I did that caused this and she replied “ I don’t know”. That sentence sat in my head for months. After 3 years I got I don’t know … I’d rather get told anything else than I don’t know.

Image credits: ControlForward5360
When a women expects you to there thru her hardships and emotional well being and then when you open up just once or try to find some comfort. She makes it all about herself or starts having a dry spell on you.

Image credits: anon
I never loved you.
"Maybe your father was right to treat you like a dog, you do belong on a leash".

Image credits: ItchyEducation
For me, it would be hearing, "I don't respect you anymore." Respect is a cornerstone of any relationship, and losing that can feel like losing everything.
"It's not yours".

Image credits: BearsGotKhalilMack
While we were sitting at a table, chatting, my cousin's wife told me "I could've found someone like you, but you come with a lot of problems. I settled for him because I don't want the hassle"
She is bat s**t ugly and way below the level of my cousin's. Disgusting.
Edit: I didn't get hurt at all, my cousin propably did. I feel bad for him.
‘I wasted years with you’.
“You’re just a booty call” *to the guy you’ve been seeing for some time*.

Image credits: GH_Explorer
You are useless / worthless
Many men were trained since very young to only value themselves based on how useful you are too other people, your job, society, etc.
Fellow men: you are worth a great deal just for being you... don't give a rat's a$$ about people judging your value based on what you can do for them.
I think just plain old "eww"
That really is a slap in the face.
“I will never trust you”.

Image credits: Rare_Cryptographer89
“His was bigger”.
"There's an inchworm on your balls!".
“Your d**k is literally the only thing you have going for you right now”
Only hurt cause she was right lol. Definitely was a wake up call to get my priorities straight!
1. I love you but not in love with you
2. I have fallen out if love with you.

Image credits: daftvaderV2

Image credits: Synsinatik
You’re just like your father.

Image credits: GeneralLee-Speaking
U don't earn enough.
I cheated
The baby/child isn’t yours.
In perspective, when as a man you've sacrificed emotionally, time, dreams and financially a lady( romantic, family, friends) not just out of love but also responsibility then they later dismiss all your efforts with I didn't ask you for it. Most hurtful since it cuts across all genders.

Image credits: th3e_darkest
You are useless.
I don’t feel romantic with you
You are not financially sound.
For me it was "just get it over with." That was new years eve 2013 going into 14. My wife at the time and I were quickly spiraling, and that night, after getting our two kids to bed, we laid on the floor of our front room to watch the ball drop on TV. I had tried cuddling with her a bit, spooning her, and she was surprisingly receptive (she rarely was those days). It had been either almost a year, or just over a year since we had had sex at that point, so I decided to shoot my shot, and pulled her hips into mine, one of our signals. She sounded so disgusted... like she was gagging on the words... but honestly, I needed it so bad at that point, I didn't care that much. She dead fished it (per usual), and when I came inside, she started yelling at me that she wasn't on bc. She had gotten off of an iud, and was *supposed* to be on bc...she *told* me she was... so I didn't think it was a problem, and let fly. But suddenly I was "misremembering things because of my autism" her favorite gaslight to use. I'll admit, my memory isn't always concrete, but I think I would remember, "hey, I can't get on bc for a few months, just fyi" (which she swears that is what she told me, to this day)
Needless to say, kid #3 happened that September, and she was 3 weeks old when I got kicked out of the house and the divorce started.
I don’t want you.

Image credits: Greedy_Juggernaut230
“Past instances, in which i profess to like you, were fraudulent.”.
No prenup.
"You didn't love me. You used me for sex. Mine was one-sided love".
You're such a good friend.
“I love you but I want him.”.
You’re too much.
You're a nice guy.