Actor Hina Khan has been staying at home and sharing pictures and videos of life under lockdown. On Friday, she shared a funny video in which she reprised her role as Komolika from Kasautii Zindagii Kay.
Taking to Twitter, she shared a Tik Tok video of her own dialogue from Kasautii Zindagii Kay. The dialogue in Hindi goes as following: “How unlucky. Dekha hi nahin hoga. Dekh leta na, toh na nazar hilti, na paer (The person didn’t see me, if he had taken note of me, neither could he have taken his eyes off me, nor could he have moved an inch.). The dialogue invited a cheeky comment from Ekta Kapoor, the producer of the show. She wrote: “I don’t think aapko’ kisi ne dekha hi nahi hoga.”
Just for my Tweeples..
— Hina Khan (@eyehinakhan) May 15, 2020
smile 😊 #Nikaa #KomoliciousDailogues #KomoSwag #Komolika
Hina has, of course, been entertaining and educating her fans with all kinds of videos and pictures. She has also been posting pictures of how she is observing Ramadan. On the first day of keeping roza (fasting), she had written: “Ramadan Kareem Let’s make Dua Let’s pray for Infected, let’s pray for Protection and Healing #FirstRoza #Positivity #WeShallGetThruThis.” Wearing a bright yellow dupatta around her head and hair, Hina cut a pious figure, far removed from her image in the Ekta Kapoor serial.
Hina had shared another image of breaking her fast and Iftar, some days back and written: “#IftaarReady... Gyaarwah Roza Mubarak.”
In the initial days of lockdown, Hina had shared a funny video of doing house, on her mother’s instructions, and said: “#LetsGiveHerABreak #WeShallGetThruThis #JustForFun #NoOneInNoOneOut since we have stopped calling our domestic help due to Covid-19.. Mommy says (Ab khud Kaam karo, I will only cook) And This video is for one purpose only, entertainment entertainment entertainment for us and you all.”
“A tribute to mine and all the mothers out there who do all the house chores day in and day out without a complaint. And being a creative person with a lot of free time .. I will make sure that I keep you guys entertained even if I am quarantined.. #NoVirusCanStopCreativity this is my take with a lil tadka of entertainment on how we should help them in these times specially because now we’re home and well rested.. Also made me realise how difficult it is and yet she does it with perfection and in ease every single day.”
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