A hero plumber has urged people to speak out about their mental health after revealing he tried to take his own life 13 years ago.
James Anderson founded the Disabled and Elderly, Plumbing and Hearing Emergency Response (DEPHER), which works towards helping vulnerable people in their times of need. However, before he dedicated himself to helping other, the Burnley plumber shared how three men previously saved his life.
At the time, James was battling his own demons and said he "couldn't see a way" out of the problems he was facing. Now, James is hoping to find the three lads and thank them for saving his life, Lancashire Live reports.
Taking to social media to share his incredibly emotional plea, James said: "This is very hard to talk about. Very few know, but I just need to. Please accept my sincere apologies if it upsets you. In 2010, three young men saved my life, I was in a very dark place. I need to find them, I need to thank them. It was at Black Hill, Sabden."
He added: "It was a very hard time. I felt bullied, intimidated, trapped. I couldn't see a way out and I thought that ending my life was the only answer to the problems I was facing."
James described how in 2010 he drove to Clitheroe, Lancashire with the intent of ending his life. In the early hours of the morning, James was woken up by three young lads who 'banged hell' on his van in an attempt to rouse him.

"It scared me. I got out of the van and then drove home," James said. The lads who had woken him had passed his registration plate to the Police, who tracked him down and came to his house.
James continued: "The police sat down and spoke to me. They asked if I was okay and I said I wasn't. I agreed with the police that I would go and see someone. It took me two days to go to the doctor and explain what had gone on.
"I put myself into hospital for two weeks, into a psychiatric ward where I was found to be seriously depressed. The doctor helped me and saved me.
"I need to find these three young men. I need to find out who they are because they saved my life. If it wasn't for those three doing that, I wouldn't be sitting here now.
"I need to let them know that I'm forever grateful. In 2010 in Blackhill Clitheroe Lancashire, three young men saved the life of a plumber in a red van. I need to find them."

Alongside his emotional plea to those that saved his life, James added: "If you feel anxious or depressed, bullied or intimidated, please reach out, please scream so you can be heard. I kept silent, but I was found in the silence and the dark.
"I was shown the light, I was shown the way, I was saved in many ways because of three heroes.
"I told my wife last night, she never knew about this, we cried together. They were not tears of pain or sorrow. They were tears of love and happiness, created by 3 special people, who decided to go on an early morning walk. I have carried this for 13 years, now I'm free.
"I do hope that I can find them, I do hope I can shake their hands. Anxiety and depression are often difficult to see, but they are easy to hide. I say to you all, "Look, listen, talk, and understand because tomorrow is too late to regret yesterday."
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