The Grenfell Tower firefighters showed remarkable bravery but their dedication may have come at a terrible cost.
As many as a dozen of those who entered the burning building have since developed terminal cancer, linked to exposure to contaminates in the smoke-filled air.
It is feared that many of the residents who survived the fire, which took 72 lives, were also exposed to toxic fumes and asbestos.
A recent study found that firefighters are three times more likely to die from certain cancers than the general population.
There is a strong case for a review to establish whether more could be done to protect the health of emergency responders.
But there should also be annual health checks for Grenfell survivors, nearby residents and the 1,300 firefighters who tackled the fire.
Despite concerns about the risk of exposure to dangerous chemicals, no screening programme has been put in place.
Grenfell survivors have had to fight for justice every step of the way. It is shameful that, nearly six years after the tragedy, they are still being failed by the authorities.

Tory vandals
This Tory regime will go down in history as the Government that broke the NHS.
The Conservatives inherited from Labour a health service where you could see a GP within 48 hours. It had falling waiting lists and record levels of public satisfaction.
Instead of protecting this legacy, they wrecked it. People in England are now waiting 90 minutes on average for an ambulance.
More than seven million are on a waiting list, with 40% of those having waited over 18 weeks.
Labour warned the Tories could not be trusted with the NHS. They were right.
Ups & downs
It is sad that Britain’s longest rollercoaster is heading for the scrap heap.
But The Ultimate at Lightwater Valley is not the draw it once was – and theme park bosses are right to stay ahead of the curve.