A police officer who was sacked for lying and saying he had passed his maths GCSE has spoken out. PC Kye Smith says the decision has taken its emotional toll, leaving him feeling as though he has let everyone down.
Kye, who worked for Devon and Cornwall Police, was dismissed for gross misconduct for declaring that he had passed his maths GCSE when he hadn't. Chief Constable Will Kerr, who headed the panel, determined his behaviour had fallen below the expected standards of professional behaviour, particularly in relation to honesty and integrity, which led to his dismissal.
As a result, Kye, said he lost the job he always wanted to do, reports CornwallLive. He also insisted that during his career he had "had never broken the trust of the people he served while working as a police officer and would not have dreamed of it".
He said: "Being a police officer was always my dream job. I focused my life on aiming towards it. I loved my job as a police constable and love my community that I served. I like to think that I was fair to everyone and supported the people who needed it. By some of the comments people have made, I can see that I did this and that makes me extremely proud.
"I am overwhelmed by the support I have received by the community, words cannot describe, when I saw the article, I can't really describe how bad it made me feel mentally as I already feel like I have let everyone down.
"This is no-one's fault but my own, I am and always will be sorry that I made such a silly mistake, it was not a deliberate act but just a lapse in concentration. When I found out about my maths, I enrolled in a class straight away, where I am now less then two weeks away from doing my exam and finishing.
"The police were extremely supportive throughout and I thank the team around me for that. I will always serve my community as best as I can and again, I thank everyone for their amazing comments, messages, and support."
Many people in Kye's Bodmin area were left flabbergasted by the decision. He was even described as a "Covid hero" for his work helping people during the pandemic.
Adie Dove commented on Facebook: "This is blooming so heartbreaking. This bloke went above and beyond during the pandemic he’s an absolute community hero. I have absolutely so much respect for the man. What a loss to the force." Leah Duncombe agreed, adding: "Not everyone is great with maths, it shouldn't be a barrier, and this guy was obviously good at his job, what a shame he was made to feel he had to lie."

Fiona Hedger said Kye had done so much for the local community, insisting that "if anyone was an asset to the police force / Bodmin community it was him". She added: "Kye if you can appeal this then know that there is a huge amount of support for you from your community. What you have put in should outweigh a poor decision that I’m sure you aren’t the first to make."
Aaron James added: "This is a real shame. Kye is a really decent bloke who was dedicated to his role as a police officer and I've never forgotten how above and beyond he went during the pandemic to help others. That's the measure of the man.
"It's a shame that maths is a prerequisite to being a police officer, when you can be say...Chancellor of the Exchequer without having maths qualifications."
Kim Marks questioned the force's rationale for getting rid of a police officer who is good at his job especially when Devon and Cornwall Police is already short-staffed, saying: "Surely it's recruitment's job to check that out. So I hope whoever processed his application gets sacked too. And why sack him if he's good at his job. He could've completed functional skills and maybe a warning."
Dawn Henderson - Manns summed up the mood, adding: "Absolutely ridiculous. Who cares what qualifications he has when he’s saving someone’s life. Their wages are absolutely shocking they should be lucky anyone puts their lives on the line for them."
Kye said he has been overwhelmed by the support he has received both from the community he served and from colleagues in the force.
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Following the hearing in Exeter, Chief Constable Will Kerr concluded that PC Smith's behaviour constituted gross misconduct, and he has been immediately dismissed from the force. The officer's details will be submitted to the College of Policing Barred List, which prohibits them from working in policing.
CC Kerr said: "PC Smith had multiple opportunities to correct this matter and chose not to do so. This was not a one-off, nor a minor error of judgement. During that protracted period, he remained a serving police officer drawing a salary from the public purse for a role he knew he was not fully qualified to have."
While a majority of people have rallied behind Kye, others have argued that it was not so much about the lack of maths GCSE but about the lie itself which led to his integrity being questioned. Kevin Mannix said: "I know it seems harsh but it's more about trust and honesty. If he could lie about his grade to get a job then could he lie about details of a crime to secure a conviction? I'm not saying he would but if it puts doubts in your mind."
Julie Armes- Morley agreed: "His dismissal wasn’t about his qualifications, it’s about the lie he told. Public service requires integrity and trust. Yes this should have been picked up during the recruitment process but that does not belittle the lie."