Deion Sanders has already remade the Colorado Buffaloes in his image over the course of a few weeks.
That means everything from the way the team plays to the way they look on and off the field. Rather than assign captains on his team, Sanders anoints Dawgs and Leaders with special patches on his players’ jerseys.
Sanders has also given every member on the team a pair of his signature sunglasses. But if you look at the coach’s gameday apparel, you’ll notice one patch on his sleeve that no one else wears. The one that reads “JC”.
Those are the initials of former Florida State equipment man Jimmie Callaway and Deion’s bond with him runs deep.
The initials I wear on my gameDay apparel is JC which stands for a very important man in my life Jimmie Callaway the Equiptment Man of FSU. There’s nobody like My JC 👍🏾🙏🏾💯 pic.twitter.com/D6dyre17qz
— COACH PRIME (@DeionSanders) June 1, 2022
Callaway, who died in 2020 at the age of 85 due to heart failure, spent 50 years with Florida State as a volunteer and employee, becoming a mentor to many of the players who came through the program — including Sanders.
Now Deion honors his memory every Saturday when he’s on the sidelines. And now you know, too.