Good morning.
Since the turn of the millennium, Fortune has been assembling top leaders in tech in Aspen for an annual “Brainstorm” on issues facing the industry. It’s an opportunity to reflect, learn, network, and even cut deals—Dell CEO Michael Dell first started talking with Silver Lake CEO Egon Durban about his blockbuster leveraged buyout at a Brainstorm Tech event.
But all good things need a refresh. This summer, we are moving the conversation to Park City, Utah, July 10-12, at the Montage Deer Valley resort. Top tech leaders, VCs, and thought leaders will assemble for three days of conversation, idea sharing, networking and outdoor activities. The program will be curated by Fortune’s own tech braintrust, including editor-in-chief Alyson Shontell, editor-at-large Michal Lev-Ram, senior writer Phil Wahba, and guest co-chaired by investor Terri Burns and journalist Jo Ling Kent. Among the CEOs already on the agenda: Vivian Chu of Diligent Robotics, Bonobos co-founder Andy Dunn, Scott Farquhar of Atlassian, Kirsten Green of Forerunner Ventures, Jeff Lawson of Twilio, Alex Rodrigues of Embark, Roy Bahat of Bloomberg Beta, Tekedra Mawakanda of Waymo, Joshua Tetrick of Eat Just, and former Vice President Al Gore, who founded Generation Investment Partners.
We’ll also convene a select group of founders for a special event—the Fortune Founders Forum—on July 9-10, immediately preceding Brainstorm Tech. It promises to be a unique opportunity for founders to share their learnings.
Fortune Brainstorm Tech and the Fortune Founders Forum are open only to members, and membership is by invitation. But if you are interested, shoot me an email directly, or reach out to brainstormtech@fortune.com. You can also get more information here.
More news below.
Alan Murray