The fastest way to bring about sudden and thorough reform of the Metropolitan police would be to staff the top three layers of seniority with women (Met police found to be institutionally racist, misogynistic and homophobic, 21 March).
Christopher Thompson
• I’m finding Nicola Sturgeon’s assertion that she didn’t know how many people were in her party (‘Fractious’ leadership battle is good for the SNP, 20 March) just as incredible as Boris Johnson’s claim that he didn’t know he was at one.
John Thompson
• I have been somewhat smugly enjoying the recent correspondence regarding failing hearing (Letters, 19 March), believing mine to be good. Until Monday morning, when a friend dropped in at 10am, announcing that she would like a G&T. Fine by me, but what she actually wanted was a ginger tea.
Kate Phimister
• The funniest T-shirt slogan I ever saw (Letters, 20 March) was stretched across an ample stomach at a folk music festival in Padstow: “Sex, drugs and sausage rolls.”
Lyn Rowland
Penzance, Cornwall
• Re the use of cargo bikes (Letters, 20 March), if you want to cycle around with more stuff, why not just get a trailer to screw on to the axle of the back wheel of your conventional bike? It will only cost about £100 and you can take it off when you don’t need it.
Alick Munro
Twickenham, London
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.