This week there’s a bit of a wrinkle in Fortnite’s usual set of challenges.
The Battle Pass Season 4, Week 4 challenges include the following:
- Deal damage with Assault Rifles to opponents (1,000)
- Search Chests in Wailing Woods (7)
- Search 7 Ammo Boxes in a single match (7)
- Visit the center of different Storm Circles in a single match (3)
- Search between a Bench, Ice Cream Truck, and a Helicopter (1) (HARD)
- Trap Eliminations (1) (HARD)
- Eliminate opponents in Snobby Shores (3) (HARD)
Instead of finding a Treasure this week or searching for dance floors or rubber duckies, in Week 4 you’ll need to simply visit the center of three different Storm Circles in a single match. It’s an interesting challenge because it’s not necessarily difficult, but it could result in quite a lot more interaction with other players and a more aggressive play-style all around, from both experienced and inexperienced players. That’s because everyone will be converging on the center instead of lurking around the fringes leading to more likely clashes.
So what’s the best way to visit the center of three separate Storm Circles in a single match? The trick is not dying in the process. Getting to the center of one Storm Circle is easy, but getting to all three might be a bit more challenging.
While it might seem tempting to just go right to the middle right away, this is probably not the best strategy for less experienced players. (If you’re comfortable just going straight to the center of each Storm Circle, these tips aren’t for you. Go for the jugular and may the best player win.)
Instead, don’t sweat where you land at first. Go to the fringes. Land in an unnamed location and take your time getting gear. There’s a really long time between when the first Storm Circle appears and when you have to be inside the ring or fall to the Storm. Take your time, get loot and stay alive.
There are 9 total Storm Circles possible in any given match. They appear at random and each consecutive Storm Circle is within the previous circle’s circumference.
Here’s how the Storm Circles break down:

How to complete the challenge without dying.
As you can see, you have a total of over 6 minutes to get inside the first circle once it appears on the map. That means you can take your time, though you’ll want to make your way in time to not take storm damage.
It also means that your best bet is to stand in the center of three Storm Circles after the first one has already closed in. In a typical match, over half of the initial 100 players are killed off by this point. That means that even though the map has gotten smaller, you’ll have far fewer opponents to contend with.
There are other advantages to this strategy as well.
- As the Storm Circles shrink in diameter, you’ll have an easier time making your way to the center of each consecutive one. Shorter distances make staying alive easier.
- With fewer players left to oppose you, your chances of dying after reaching the first nucleus also goes down, which means you’re less likely to reach the center of one circle and then get killed before reaching the others.
You probably don’t want to wait until the very end of the match to tackle this challenge, however. By this point, the Storm Circles are much smaller, pushing the remaining players into much tighter confines and making a trek to the center pretty risky. That risk is heightened by the fact that a good portion of these final players will be highly skilled and dangerous.
Your best bet is to tackle any of the Storm Circles after the first one, or at least after the first Storm Circle closes. They’re easier to reach, there are fewer enemy players to contend with and you’ll be better equipped to handle them.
Another suggestion: Visit the center of the previous Storm Circle after the next Storm Circle appears. While other players go for the center of the new circle, you’ll have an opening to go for the current circle.
Be sure to stock up on wood or other building materials so you can defend yourself and traverse the map more easily. And, as always, enjoy yourself. These challenges are meant to be fun.