Given that I have played more hours of the Diablo series than most other games combined, I am extremely excited whenever Blizzard teases anything related to it. And today that’s just what they’ve done.
Blizzard released a short, minute long video where Community Manager Brandy Camel spoke first about current Diablo 3 season (up to season 14 now? wow), but also teased that Blizzard has “multiple Diablo projects” in the works, some of which are coming soon, others that may be a ways off. But we should hear more about them in 2018.
That has my mind racing about what these projects could be, and the way I see it, there are four main theories. One might be true, or a few of them might be true. I can’t believe that none of them would be.
So, in order of least to most exciting:
1) Diablo 3 on Switch – This seems somewhat inevitable at this point, and the system would be a great place to play Diablo, taking the series mobile for the first time. But after 2000 hours of D3 I am probably done starting over again, so I might take on a pass on this if it does happen.
2) Diablo Mobile – This could go well, if handled correctly, or it could be a disaster. One of Diablo’s biggest issues for Blizzard is that it’s hard to monetize past traditional expansions, which is a big no-no in the current state of the industry. Loot boxes and cosmetics don’t work well in this genre, and we saw what a disaster the outside-the-box concept of the Auction House is. Similarly, I worry that a Diablo bogged down by any kind of mobile monetization would go poorly, but perhaps Blizzard has a way to do this right, I’m not sure.
3) Diablo 1/2 Remaster – I’d be more excited about 2 than 1 but I’d take either. Blizzard found a lot of success with its Starcraft Brood War remaster, so I have to believe that they’ve been working on something similar for Diablo as well, but perhaps they’re just content to move on to new things.
4) Diablo 4 – Really, this is the only thing I truly want. Diablo 3, at least what Diablo 3 became after a year or two, was one of my favorite, most played games ever. If Blizzard can take those learned lessons and create an amazing Diablo 4, I’d be ecstatic. Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls sold so well I have to believe that Diablo 4 is happening, but it’s not a matter of if, but when.
I suppose there’s a fifth option, something truly wacky not listed here at all, like somehow Blizzard decides that the Diablo universe is going to be where they plant their Battle Royale flag and we have some sort of map where Demon Hunters and Paladins and Witch Doctors are slugging it out, but that would be thoroughly bizarre and the antithesis of everything people like about the game. So I doubt it.
No, my guess is between 2-3 of the options I’ve just listed. If it’s outside that range, I’d be surprised, but who really knows with the ever-shifting landscape of this industry. Hopefully we’ll find out more soon.
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