Wedding season typically starts in late spring and continues through the fall, but wedding planning season is typically a year-round affair.
After all, it can take a while to plan your dream event, and very often you have to book your venue or destination well in advance.
Everyone plans these things differently, and some people opt to hire a professional while others do it all themselves. But nearly everything starts with a Google search, and the honeymoon experts Honeymoon Always have released data about the most-searched-for honeymoon destinations in each state. And while it’s often said that America is a culturally divided place, it seems like there are few things we can all still agree on.
Where Does America Really Want To Honeymoon?
Here’s some takeaways from Honeymoon Always’ findings.
- The most popular destination is Indonesia, specifically Bali, which was the number one most sought after designation in eight states, including Hawaii, Kansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wyoming.
- Mexico was the second-most searched destination, with seven states, including Arizona, California, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Texas, Nevada and Connecticut exploring locales such as Cabo San Lucas and Puerto Vallarta.
- Italy remains popular, as it was searched by couples in Florida, Oklahoma, Washington, Michigan, New Mexico and Illinois.
- Switzerland is the most searched-for honeymoon destination for mountain fans in Colorado, Louisiana, Mississippi and North Carolina.
- Tulum, a town on the Caribbean coastline near Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, has been surging in popularity of late, as it was the most Googled destination of residents in Arizona, California, Massachusetts, Tennessee and Texas.
- But some future newlyweds plan to stay closer to home, as people from Maryland and Minnesota Googled Florida the most; Utah couples looked up Los Angeles, California, and New Yorkers eyed Oahu, Hawaii.

Wait, Who Didn't Make The List?
Surprisingly enough, the following popular vacation destinations did not make the survey: Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, and the Bahamas.