There are 12 new weapon Mastery Camos to earn in Modern Warfare 3. Four of them are strictly for new MW3 guns, four are for MW3 guns and earned through Zombies mode, and the final four are earned for MW2 from Zombies Mode.
If you’re currently diving into the latest entry in the Call of Duty franchise, Modern Warfare 3 (2023), then it’s likely that you might be wondering what Modern Warfare 3 battle pass rewards are available right now.
For those not in the know, the battle pass contains a series of seasonal rewards that players can unlock by accumulating XP. This can be accomplished by simply playing multiplayer matches or completing specific daily and weekly challenges. While some of the rewards in the battle pass can be unlocked for free, others require you to purchase an upgraded battle pass using in-game currency or real-world money.
There are two tiers of upgraded battle pass to choose from in Call of Duty. The standard battle pass which costs 1,100 Call of Duty Points (CP), the equivalent of $9.99 / £8.50, and the much more expensive Blackcell battle pass which can be purchased for $29.99 / £25.99. In addition to an immediate 20 tier skips and 1,100 CP, the Blackcell battle pass gives you the ability to unlock exclusive cosmetics and weapon blueprints on top of the regular rewards.
Like we saw in the launch period of other Call of Duty titles, the first season of the Modern Warfare 3 battle pass hasn’t actually started yet. That doesn’t, however, mean that there isn’t a battle pass available right now as you can still progress through the Season 6 battle pass from the previous game, Modern Warfare 2, by playing Modern Warfare 3. Importantly, all of the rewards that you unlock here will be available to use in Modern Warfare 3 right away.
What are the Modern Warfare 3 battle pass pre-season rewards?
The battle pass contains lots of minor items like calling cards, XP boosts, and weapon charms that we have omitted for the sake clarity. With that in mind, here are the most significant Modern Warfare 3 battle pass pre-season rewards that you should keep on your radar:
Operator skins:
Owners of the Blackcell battle pass will also recieve the V4L3RIA operator skin and alternate Blackcell versions of all the skins listed above.
Weapon blueprints:
Blackcell battle pass owners will also recieve the Blackcell Reckoner blueprint for the ISO 9mm and Blackcell versions of the following weapon blueprints:
- Zombie's Bane
- The Crypt
- Necroplasm
- Cackling Bones
- Pulp Chills
- Eradicator
Vehicle skins:
Blackcell battle pass owners will also recieve Blackcell versions of the following vehicle skins:
- Scorched Earth
- Scorched Wind
For even more Modern Warfare 3, see our early campaign impressions or read the full maps list at launch and beyond.