Parenting isn’t always a stroll in the park. Sometimes, it can feel like riding a unicycle on a tightrope while juggling four bowling pins.
Raising a child has its fair share of stressors, and it’s all about finding the lighter side. These moms and dads did, and they’re sharing their stories on social media. They all saw the humor in their children’s whiney, sassy, and stubborn moments.
Hopefully, these adorable little anecdotes will bring you some good vibes today. If you’re a parent reading this, see how many of these you can relate to.
Image credits: oldenoughtosay
Image credits: KatieDeal99
Image credits: missmulrooney
These posts portray parenting problems as lighthearted, and many are, indeed, laughable. However, some issues are severe enough to warrant professional intervention.
Developing a lying habit is one of them. According to registered clinical counselor Sharon Shelby, 96% of kids lie, a concerning statistic.
Image credits: emily_tweets
Image credits: dadpickupline
Image credits: Pandamoanimum
Licensed psychotherapist Dr. Terry Levy says kids lie primarily for two reasons: for social acceptance and out of fear of the consequences of telling the truth.
To fix this potentially irreparable problem, Dr. Levy advises against doling out punishment or lecturing. Instead, he recommends helping children understand the natural consequence: people will not believe them.
“It’s much more productive to diminish the advantages your child gets from lying—take away the payoffs,” Dr. Levy wrote in an article for LinkedIn.
Image credits: oneawkwardmom
Image credits: sarcasticmommy4
Image credits: Mrs_JParker
Many children are also picky eaters. In an article for Harvard Health Publishing, primary care pediatrician Dr. Claire McCarthy points out that being selective about meals is a child’s way of asserting independence.
Dr. McCarthy also mentioned a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics, noting that picky eaters tend to hold on to their habits for longer. That’s why she recommends training children to be open about different foods, beginning at the age of 2, before they start developing a mind of their own.
Image credits: milifeasdad
Image credits: HenpeckedHal
Image credits: itssherifield
Temper tantrums are typical among children. However, they can become problematic if they occur frequently in public. Fussiness is usually a way for a child to express their frustrations. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, these episodes typically last for 15 minutes.
If it happens in public, pediatric psychologist Dr. Jennifer Katzenstein recommends bringing the child to a safe place where the parent can keep an eye on them. She then suggests letting the child have a tantrum while managing the stares and glances from others.
Dr. Katzenstein also reminds parents of the importance of reminding themselves they are doing the right thing.
Image credits: notmythirdrodeo
Image credits: IHideFromMyKids
Image credits: itssherifield
Meanwhile, Dr. Levy recommends a more proactive approach, which begins with an assessment. He suggests asking an important question: Does the child have the self-control to behave in public?
From there, parents can choose not to bring their children along or give them another chance. If the incident happens again, consequences may be warranted.
“Actions speak louder than words, and your child will soon realize you mean business,” he wrote.
Image credits: RodLacroix
Image credits: Toddler_talkin
Image credits: RodLacroix
Readers, we’d like to hear from you, too. Especially for moms and dads out there, do you have similar stories you can share? What are the common challenges you face as parents? Comment below!
Image credits: missmulrooney
Image credits: gullyvuhr
Image credits: emilykmay
Image credits: queenofaerobics
Image credits: CCPISASSH0E
Image credits: sarcasticmommy4
Image credits: KatieDeal99
Image credits: deloisivete
Image credits: whattsserrname
Image credits: dadmann_walking
Image credits: KatieDeal99
Image credits: MommyingHard
Image credits: deloisivete
Image credits: Lottie_Poppie
Image credits: deloisivete
Image credits: mxmclain
Image credits: kristabellerina
Image credits: Mrs_JParker
Image credits: deloisivete
Image credits: daddygofish
Image credits: deloisivete
Image credits: BombshellCole
Image credits: sarahradz_
Image credits: Chhapiness
Image credits: dadmann_walking
Image credits: dadmann_walking
Image credits: dadmann_walking
Image credits: Lottie_Poppie
Image credits: emily_tweets
Image credits: emily_tweets
Image credits: reallifemommy3
Image credits: deloisivete