There is an unwritten rule among expecting parents regarding baby names. Once someone you know has taken it, you’re expected to give it to them and go with another one.
TikTok user Jessie (a.k.a @dreambabynames) knows this rule fully well, yet she still broke it by inadvertently stealing a name her cousin thought of. To make matters slightly worse, she used it to name a dog she rescued.
Jessie felt bad but defended her actions, saying she didn’t use the name of the baby she was carrying. Scroll down to find her post.
Some people follow unwritten rules regarding baby names

Image credits: (not the actual image)
This TikTok user broke one of those rules, and she is sharing what happened

Image credits: dreambabynames
I accidentally stole my cousin’s baby name and let’s talk about it.
This sounds like a Reddit post, but I accidentally committed the cardinal sin in baby naming.

Image credits: dreambabynames
I should know better, but let me—in my defense, she’s not currently pregnant. Will she be in the near future? Yeah, probably.
But in my defense, so many people tell me their baby names, it kinda all just gets lost, gets jumbled up in there.

Image credits: dreambabynames
I have to admit though, I used it for a dog… But not just any dog.
Look at this princess. I named her Pearl. Her name had to be Pearl. She joined sister Olive.

Olive and Pearl, are you kidding me? It honestly didn’t dawn on me until my cousin walked in and made direct eye contact with me, and then it all came flooding back and I was like, ‘Oh no…’
She looks at me and she goes, ‘Pearl? Really, Pearl?’ I was like, ‘Hey, bestie!’ And I said to her ‘Well at least I didn’t name my baby, like the actual baby, Pearl.
Image credits: dreambabynames

Image credits: dreambabynames
Like, that would have been a lot worse. Dogs don’t even live this long…’ It honestly just like slipped my mind.
Like, so many people tell me their baby names, I couldn’t possibly compartmentalize all of them and remember…

Image credits: dreambabynames

Image credits: dreambabynames
But on the bright side, I have a whole other example for my ‘dog names or not dog names’ debate. But I must admit I do feel bad.

Image credits: dreambabynames
Check out her video below
@dreambabynames #greenscreen ♬ original sound – Jessie @dreambabynames
Taking ownership of a baby name is common among parents
The idea of staking a claim to a baby name may seem absurd, but it’s a practice among many parents. In 2016, TODAY did a survey in which 12,000 people took part.
More than half of respondents frown upon baby name stealing and believe that if another couple plans to use a name, it is off the market, so to speak.
But why do people get so attached to a name, even if they haven’t made it official yet? Linda Murray, global editor-in-chief of parenting website BabyCenter, says it’s about an emotional connection.
“It’s an emotional process, so when you share your favorite baby name with someone and they ‘take’ your name, it feels like theft,” Murray told TODAY.
Etiquette expert Diane Gottsman shared a similar sentiment, adding that the attachment may stem from wanting to honor a family member or someone they idolize.
“A name is not intellectual property,” Gottsman told HuffPost. “Anybody can use a name, and while you have an emotional reaction to it, you can’t really steal a name. But it feels like a stab.”
So, what is the best way to avoid potential conflicts, especially among family members? Etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore advises coming clean.
“It’s not going to make them change the baby name or anything, but it might alleviate some of the tension that you have between each other,” she told HuffPost.
It’s unclear whether Jessie’s cousin knew about the name “theft” before the TikTok video went up, but it may have been better if she had told her first instead of posting about it. If the damage had been done, she could still offer a sincere apology.
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