HELP is at hand for high school students doing the HSC as the University of Newcastle (UON) launches its Early Entry Program.
It offers students new resources, mentorship and peer support once they submit an application to study at UON.
Elermore Vale mother Sonya Cameron said early entry would help to ease the stress her daughter Chelsea was feeling with the HSC, and give her certainty that she would be able to remain at home while she studied at university.
"Chelsea already knows that she wants to be an occupational therapist, so early entry for her is not just about getting into university but securing a pathway to her preferred profession," she said.
"She's worked hard the past couple of years and early entry into the University of Newcastle will mean she's less concerned about having to apply to different universities and she can just concentrate on doing the best she can in the HSC."
Chelsea said that receiving an early offer would alleviate some of the pressure that comes with HSC exams and allow her to maintain a healthy life balance through the exam period.
"It will help me to approach every exam with confidence and reassurance - with less pressure placed on the exam I will be able to concentrate more on achieving the best score and outcome for the HSC," she said.
The Early Entry Program will allow year 12 students from NSW and the ACT who are completing the Higher School Certificate or International Baccalaureate to apply for early entry.
The university's vice chancellor professor Alex Zelinsky said he knows the HSC can be a really challenging time for some students.
"We want to reassure students that there is a place for everyone at our university," he said.
"Our Early Entry Program will be sector-leading and will give students access to a range of support including student mentors, HSC tips and webinars, past exam papers and invitations to VIP University of Newcastle events."
Mr Zelinsky said he hopes the program will help students feel more confident and supported through the HSC.
"We know that students can benefit from talking to someone who has been through the experience before, so mentors will contact applicants to provide support and advice throughout the year," he said.
"Applicants will also have access to Leadership Programs and free university preparation courses (NUprep) with early offer recipients encouraged to complete at least one course."
Year 12 students can apply for early entry by visiting www.newcastle.edu/au/early.
Entry will be determined based on Year 11 results plus completion of the HSC. Students will receive offers in September just ahead of HSC exams (previously offers commenced in November).
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