Five more rioting louts have been jailed for disgraceful city centre violence - including one who attacked police horses in disgraceful scenes.
An angry mob gathered at Grey's Monument in Newcastle city centre to demonstrate against a planned peaceful protest by supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement. In ugly scenes, police came under attack and officers, horses and dogs were injured as missiles were thrown, including bottles, cans and smoke grenades.
A number of people have already been locked up for their part in the shameful violent disorder - all but one from the counter-protesting group, some of whom were affiliated with the far right, Hells Angels, or football hooligans. Now another five - Mathew Chapman, Philip Scorfield, Derek Haase, Johnny Mann and George Coulson - have been jailed.
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Judge Edward Bindloss, at Newcastle Crown Court, told them: "Given the scale and size of this disorder in a major city in the United Kingdom, an element of deterrent sentence is called for."

Chapman, 32, of Church Street East, Sunderland, described as a "trainee or prospect" with the Hells Angels, was seen chanting "you will never take our monument" and "you're not English anymore". He ignored instructions to move back and threw a can of lager towards the other group narrowly missing a police officer.
Jolyon Perks, prosecuting, said: "The mounted section were deployed into the crowd and this defendant put his hand out towards the nose of the horse and was arguing with and pointing towards the officer, who was trying to move the horse into the crowd. He pushed on the horses nose and then tried to push it away. He pulled at the horses nose trying to steer the horse. The horse is clearly distressed and showing its teeth.
"Two officers intervened and pushed him back. A dark horse, Pluto, was steered by its rider to push him back and the defendant lashed out at the the horse in an aggressive manner, hitting the horse three times in the face and neck. He put his hand in the horses mouth, holding it in position by the bit. A sergeant moved his horse, Petronus, towards him and the defendant pushed Petronus in the chest and nose two times, jolting its head back. He held onto reins of the horse.
"Other members of the group came over and tried to pull him away and he pushed the horses neck again, jolting its head back.
"Horses' touch sensation is extremely acute, especially around the bridge of the nose and mouth. The use of such force would have been extremely upsetting for the animal and it can cause behavioural problems in horses used in such situations."
When he was arrested, Chapman threatened to bite off the nose of a PC. Examination of his phone showed there were racist and violent messages exchanged before the incident. He sent one with a tensed lack bicep and white fist and also said it was going to be fun. He has three previous convictions, including for an animal welfare offence.

Scorfield, 32, of Howlett Hall Road, Denton Burn, Newcastle, who has 43 previous convictions, was seen in the crowd as they chanted "racist" and later took hold of a large orange bottle by its neck and move his arm back as if to throw it but it was unclear on the footage.
He later ran to the front of the mob as they surged towards the police and was seen searching on the ground for missiles to throw. He picked up one item and threw it at the police and it just missed a mounted police officer and horse after they took evasive action. He then picked up a second missile and threw it at a mounted officer. It's not clear if it hit the horse but the trajectory suggests it did.
Scorfield then threw a third missile and liquid came out of it over the horses and officers nearby before landing near a police dog, causing it to jump. A woman then grabbed him and appears to shout at him to stop him but he ignores her and throws a fourth missile."
Judge Bindloss said: "You are one of the most seriously implicated of the 30 I have to sentence."

Haase, 51, of Ross Grove, Nelson Village, Cramlington, who has 15 previous convictions, attended with his son, Dean, who is awaiting sentence. He was seen pointing aggressively and shouting at police and threw a can of lager at a female mounted officer. She dodges it but it strikes her horse, which spins and puts other people at risk. He later said it was a moment of madness.

Mann, 36, of Acomb Crescent, Red House Farm, Gosforth, Newcastle, who has 11 previous convictions, attended with his stepson. He ignored police instructions to move back and shouted at officers. He was "full of adrenaline", goading an officer a number of times and shouted at him "who's going to protect you like".
He was described as "out of control", charged through the crowd and crashed into a line of police, throwing his full body weight at them. He then adopts a fighting stance, bouncing up and down as if about to attack police. He was also shouting and chanting at police and when officers tried to detain him, others pull him back into the crowd.

Coulson 44, of Beechburn Walk, Arthurs Hill, Newcastle, who has 18 previous convictions, was seen with an England flag around his neck drinking alcohol and was at the front of the group with Hells Angels, pushing toward the police and shouting. He was glaring at one officer, swinging the flag above his head and shouting "all lives matter". When told to move back and pushed by a riot officer, he said "take your f****** hands off me before I knock you clean out. It doesn't matter, helmet or not, I will knock you out."
When a Hells Angel ran at officers as if in a rugby scrum and broke their line, Coulson punched the officer hard in the fact, causing him to stagger back. He was left dazed and could have been seriously injured but for his helmet. Coulson was then seen laughing at officers.
Brian Mark, for Scorfield, said his son is vulnerable and relies on his support. He added that he used to be in the army and has PTSD. He added that he had initially called for there to be no violence but "saw red" after being struck by an object.
Richard Bloomfield, for Haase, said he is a carer for his stepfather and the court heard he is a self-employed window cleaner
Richard Herrmann, for Coulson, said: "He can't explain his involvement other than he had been drinking after a sustained period of abstinence. He has no affiliation with any of the groups and has no offensive world view. He says he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"He had no idea about the planned protest when he visited the city centre but he accepts joining in. He made a supremely stupid decision to involve himself."
Mr Bloomfield, also representing Mann, said: "His role is more of being a nuisance. He didn't throw a missile.
"He is not a member of any of the organisations that were there, he got swept along on the tide of what was going on. He is remorseful."
Paul Cross, for Chapman, said he was motivated by a desire to protect the monument and claimed it was the deployment of the police horses that sparked his violent reaction. He said: "He tried to move on of them away and didn't think he did anything that would harm or distress it. His father kept horses so he is familiar with how to handles horses."
Chapman wrote a letter expressing remorse and saying he is disgusted with himself. It was the anniversary of his mum's death and his partner gave birth to his child a few days ago.
Chapman was jailed for 30 months, Scorfield got 29 months, Haase 26 months, Mann 29 months and Coulson 29 months.
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