Helene has unleashed unprecedented rainfall across parts of the Southeast, setting new records and causing significant concerns for flooding. Radar imagery from the past 6 hours vividly displays the intense rainfall that Helene has brought to the region.
The yellow and orange values on the radar map, stretching from Georgia into western North Carolina, signify the deluge of rain that has fallen. This area is currently under various flood alerts, highlighting the imminent danger posed by the excessive rainfall.
As of Friday morning, multiple flash flood emergencies have been declared, indicating the most severe level of flood warning. Residents in these areas are urged to take immediate precautions and stay informed about the evolving situation.
While the heaviest rain from Helene is expected to move out of the Southeast this morning, the threat of flooding is far from over. The rainfall is projected to shift towards the Tennessee Valley and mid-Atlantic region, potentially exacerbating the existing flood risks in those areas.
Authorities are closely monitoring the situation and advising residents to stay vigilant and prepared for possible flooding. It is crucial for individuals in flood-prone areas to heed all warnings and instructions from local officials to ensure their safety and well-being.