Justice Minister Helen McEntee has announced she plans to publish new legislation which will include new criminal offences for stalking and for non-fatal strangulation.
Ms McEntee made the announcement during statements in the Dail on violence against women in the wake of the murder of Ashling Murphy.
She said although the act of stalking itself is already covered by existing law, she is proposing changing the legislation to make it stronger.
She said this will include making it clear that stalking includes watching or following a victim even where they are not aware of being watched.

The law will explicitly reference stalking as a criminal offence and make it clear that impersonating the victim, and then communicating with a third party, is illegal.
She said: “While choking and strangling are already illegal, creating a new, standalone offence should encourage victims to come forward and report what has happened to them.
“It has been shown that this crime can be an indication of future, lethal violence and is a risk factor for homicides against women in the home.”
Ms McEntee said she cried many times during the week. not only for Ashling Murphy but also for Urantsetseg Tserendorj, Jastine Valdez, Ana Kriegel, Nadine Lott and so many others who lost their lives.
She said: “That is why we stand in solidarity and anger, but also in quiet determination.
“That is why we must all work together to achieve a shared goal of zero tolerance of violence and abuse against women.
"I cannot stand here today and say 'Never Again'.
"I cannot say that no woman will suffer at the hands of a man tonight.
"But let all of us hold on to the determination and solidarity of this week, and join together in a common cause.
"That we come together to demand zero tolerance of violence and abuse against women."