SONGKHLA: Three villages and farmland along the banks of Khlong U-tapao in Sadao district were inundated when the canal overflowed after several days of continuous rain.
Crop fields, rubber plantations, fruit orchards and Moo 4, 7 and 8 villages of tambon Prik were under water on Monday. The flooding in the villages was almost one metre deep.
Troops from Company 5021 of the 5th Infantry Regiment were dispatched with flat-bottom boats to help residents move belongings to high ground. Bed-ridden villagers were evacuated.
The flooding was expected to extend into other areas of Sadao and Khlong Hoy Khong districts.
The Meteorological Department warned on Monday morning of more rain to come in the South, with prevailing winds being strengthened by tropical storm Asani to the west in the Bay of Bengal.