Something's amiss in Hearthstone. It looks like in their quest to go deeper, the Bloodrock Mining Co. has discovered a portal to Deepholm in the Elemental Plane. It's an entirely new world that's teeming with elemental energy. However, the elemental lord Therazane is not happy that there are intruders in her domain and is not afraid to fight for it.
The Delve into Deepholm mini-set is finally here and players can look forward to dual-class cards, new Excavated Treasures, and even new singleton payoffs, to name a few. Normal versions of this mini-set are available for $14.99 or 2000 Gold while an all-Golden version is also offered and priced at $69.99 or 10,000 Gold. The latter comes with a bonus Diamond copy of the Deepminer Brann Legendary minion.
Dual-Class Cards
What does this new mini-set brings to the table? Deepholm may offer new resources but it's also teeming with danger. To survive, miners and outlaws need to work together, which means dual-class cards. Along with one class-specific card per class, each class also gets four dual-class cards, two shared with each of two other classes. This should give them a wide range of new cards to try out across archetypes.
New Excavate Treasures
There are also new Excavate Treasures added to the Excavate Treasure pool. There's actually three of them, one for each rarity. That's not all since Shaman and Paladin also each get a new class-exclusive Excavate Legendary Treasure.
A Familiar Face
When the outlaws the miners down to Deepholm, they learned that there were explorers that joined the expedition. Deepminer Brann for example was well below the surface when Reno and Elise arrived in town. In fact, he didn't even know of the problem that the mining operation was causing. However, once he realized the elementals had awakened, he wasn't afraid to bring his pickaxe and faced the new challenge. Thus when Reno and Elise first fought with Brann for the first time, they were impressed with his tenacity. The two knew that if they wanted to make it out of Deepholm alive, they'd need his help.
Arena Updates
Delve into Deepholm also brings with it some treasures for Arena. A new season of Arena season is here and there is a new rule which is that the last pick of each draft is going to one of a curated pool of Duels Treasures. The first pick of each draft is still a Legendary card with players not offered any other Legendary cards throughout the draft. This should lead up to the Duels Treasure final pick.
This new mini-set arrives to the game courtesy of patch 28.4 which also sets up the new season of Twist coming in February. Read more about that here.
Hearthstone is available for the PC and mobile platforms.