Tributes have been paid to a man and woman who died in a house fire alongside their dog. Paul Cox, aged 51, and Jennifer Jones, aged 40, were pronounced dead at their home in Sneinton last month.
Emergency services were called to reports of a blaze in Whittier Road, Sneinton, at 12.43am on Saturday (March 26). The terraced house and adjoining properties were evacuated as fire crews tackled the blaze which was extinguished at 2.35am.
Their deaths left behind a devastated community who are still mourning their loss. Kate Lawson, a neighbour who was also a close member of the two, said she still "cannot get her mind around it".
READ MORE: Police release photos of two people who died in Sneinton house fire
The 38-year-old could barely hold back her tears and said: "It is absolutely horrific. Nothing is the same without them. On a sunny day like this they used to be sat outside with the dog. You could hear them laughing."
Now, she said she wants to remember only the good times. She added: "We used to go to their place and they used to come to ours for a beer, we had a laugh. We were very good friends."
She said she cannot go to sleep at night because she is missing her neighbours that much. Ms Lawson added: "We will no longer hear them laugh or see their dog - it is so horrific. The dog was my alarm clock - and they were just so lovely together. Everyone loved them."
Ms Lawson added that she and Jennifer were particularly close. "She gave me a little jar of essential oil and I have still got it. She was such a bubbly human being. They were always happy. It will never be the same without them."
She went on and said: "They are gone but not forgotten. We are all mourning their loss."

Kate Tonks, who also knew Ms Jones, added: "Jenny was also a mum and a daughter. I think that is the worst thing in the world - for a mum to lose her child and then for the children to be left alone without a mum. So devastating."
The 55-year-old, who lives just around the corner from where the blaze happened, said: "It is somehow against nature because no parent should see their child die. Jenny's mum is heartbroken. I just think it is the most horrifying thing in the world.
A joint fire and police investigation remains ongoing to establish the cause of the blaze. Perry Mage, a programmer living on the same road in Sneinton added: "I think it is worrying that we still do not know the cause of the fire."
The 29-year-old added: "Obviously I am sending my best wishes and deepest condolences to their families. I did not know them but it is always sad to hear about stories like this one. Especially when it happened right on your doorstep."