A mum who lost a ring that means the world to her is desperately hoping it will be found after she lost it in Beeston. Heartbroken Lucy Dainty had the distinctive ring specially made with her son's ashes in the centre.
Her one-day-old baby boy Kameron Sargent died in November 2014. The specially-made ring has a silver band, a white centre with the ashes, and three diamonds on either side.
The 27 year old, who lives in Beeston and is a mid-day supervisor at the Lanes Primary School in Chilwell, said: "It took me a long time to do anything with his ashes apart from keep them at home with me - so that was a big thing for me to finally get something done with part of his ashes. Now I've lost the ring."
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Lucy, who has four other children aged one, four, seven and nine, had gone out with her family to celebrate her niece's second birthday at Bendigo Lounge in High Road, Beeston, on Thursday, June 1. Having parked up in a car park, off City Road, near Poppa Pizza, she walked straight to the cafe bar and within 10 minutes realised the ring wasn't on her finger anymore.

She said: "I was heartbroken. As soon as I realised it wasn't on my finger I went straight back outside and cried all the way up to the car looking for it and all the way back. I stood outside for about 10 minutes so I could sort myself out as I've got other kids and didn't want them upset because I was upset. I'd looked everywhere. After that, I just wanted to go home really but I had to carry on with the meal, it was quite hard."
"I definitely had it on when I was in the car and I've searched the car completely and it's not in there, so it's got to have come off between the car park and Bendigo. I told the staff there, they've had a look but they can't find anything.
"I've lost a stone recently just from moving house and stress and I noticed it kept sliding off my finger. Every time it slid off I felt it and kept meaning to put it on my necklace but I never got round to it. I just wish I'd done it."
The ring cost around £220 from a company called Ever With. "I've still got quite a lot of his ashes left so could save up and get another one but it's never going to replace that one. I want to find that one."
Lucy has put out an appeal on Facebook page Beeston Updated and although people came up with helpful suggestions, no one has found it so far. Her next step is to check with police.
"I'm really hopeful. I've heard lots of people say they've lost rings and they've found them a year later. Every time I go into Beeston I'm looking for it. Because it's a ring maybe it's rolled under something. I'm really hoping someone will find it," she added.
Anyone who finds the ring can contact her at lucydainty333@gmail.com