New pictures show the devastation caused by a massive fire at Armadale Shed yesterday.
The charity's base was gutted in the blaze yesterday, which saw six fire engines scrambled, roads closed and buses diverted for much of the day.
After posting pictures of the extensive damage, the charity wrote on Facebook: "Armadale Shed was totally gutted by fire this morning but thankfully no one was injured or hurt.
"As you can imagine from the photos it will be months before we are up and running again. Apologies to anyone with outstanding orders.
"Thanks to police ambulances and firefighters for their prompt response. Thanks also to Alan Dewar for his support and to the Dashing Dolls hairdressing ladies for the cups of coffee."

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service scrambled six appliances yesterday morning at 11.25am. Firefighters were still working to bring the blaze under control by the afternoon.
The base contains expensive tools, machinery along with arts and crafts items members had been working on.
The Armadale Shed was established in 2016 and its members have created beautiful handmade wood and metal furniture and other items over the years.
A Scottish Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson said: “We were alerted at 11.25am on Wednesday, 29 March to reports of a building fire in Armadale, West Lothian.
“Operations Control mobilised six fire appliances to the town’s South Street, where firefighters remain working to extinguish the fire.”
A Police Scotland spokesperson added: "We were made aware of a fire on South Street, Armadale, Bathgate, around 11.45am on Wednesday, March 29 2023.
"Officers attended to assist with traffic management."
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