Concerning your article (From iced buns to brussels sprouts: nine nutritionists on what they really eat (it may surprise you), 11 January), I wonder whether healthy eating has to be so complicated (and, I guess, expensive). I am 87 and my regular breakfast consists of oatmeal porridge (the same brand my mother fed me 80 years ago) with golden syrup and cow’s milk, two boiled eggs, three prunes, a piece of fresh fruit and a cup of tea with lemon. It takes eight minutes to prepare and generates minimum washing up. What’s wrong with that?
John Newton
• Joanna Collins’ cast-iron frying pan, going strong after 50 years (Letters, 15 January), is on a par with Sam Vimes’ boots. If you can afford the initial outlay, you will save money (and the planet, and your health?) in the long run. Cast-iron pans, like good boots, are expensive; not everyone can afford them.
Jennifer Gale
Littleham, Devon
• Property sellers who are disappointed at making a return of only about 40% on the sale of their homes should wait a bit longer before selling (Report, 13 January). I calculate that my return would be around 12,500% if I sold now after living here for 56 years.
Michael Robinson
Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire
• May I request that you have a daily limit on photos of President Trump in the Guardian. I start reading my copy over breakfast and I am worried about my digestion after Monday.
Helen Evans
Ruthin, Denbighshire