Thanks to Warren Brown (Letters, 22 January) for bringing the Hockney collection at Cartwright Hall to the fore. Why not complete the full Hockney day with a visit to nearby Salts Mill in Saltaire? A truly immersive experience to celebrate Bradford 2025 UK city of culture.
Angus MacIntosh
Burley in Wharfedale, West Yorkshire
• Further to Warren Brown’s letter, please add David Hockney: Pieced Together at the National Science and Media Museum in Bradford. It features pioneering experiments with film and photography.
Jonathan Hauxwell
Crosshills, North Yorkshire
• Re adverse school reports (Letters, 26 January) my head at Bolton county grammar school referred to me as supplying “the leading voice of dissent where school rules are concerned”. I think this must have helped me subsequently provide a more balanced approach to discipline as a headmaster myself for 16 years.
Bill Bradbury
Bolton, Greater Manchester
• I haven’t watched the latest series of The Traitors (‘Keep it plausible’: expert advice on how to lie and not get caught, 24 January). I did, however, watch the first and found it nasty and deeply disturbing. The “moral” being that deceit is the key to success and honesty is for losers. Truly entertainment for our times.
Richard Jones
• My word, he’s kept his looks, that Michael Hadreas (Perfume Genius: ‘I want to feel extremes – but I’m not as self-destructive now’, 24 January), but to describe him as “elven-looking” is pushing it. I’d put him closer to twlve.
John Cranston
• I like the idea of American landmarks being renamed after Trump (Letters, 21 January). I’m looking forward to Trump Falls.
Mike Smith
Hythe, Hampshire
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.