By this time next week, students will be in class at public universities all across the Commonwealth.
The college-going rate in the Commonwealth sits at just under 50%. Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education President Aaron Thompson said raising that percentage is an ongoing goal along with boosting the number of Kentuckians with degrees.
He noted a few universities are experiencing record-level freshmen classes.
“Can they be sustained? I argue yes sir, if we build the infrastructure for them. That’s the caveat. For example, you run into residence hall issues,” said Thompson.
Thompson said another key area to focus on in the effort to increase enrollments includes attracting more adult learners and out-of-state students that remain in Kentucky. And the head of the university governing entity said overall retention remains a priority.
The president of the CPE said public universities will continue to highlight their recognized programs on each campus. But, Thompson said it’s important to also be broadening that scope as well. Healthcare jobs are just one example.
“But we also know we need nursing all around the state so you’ll see a lot of our institutions focus on that, but it may be different parts of that.. We’re going to be focused heavily on mental health issues with each of our institutions tackling pieces that they can actually deal with,” said Thompson.
Thompson said cyber security is another area of study receiving interest at different schools.
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