Organ donors who made "a huge difference in many lives" after their passing have been honoured with a special award in their memory.
John David Tinling, Paul Armstrong and Linda Harrigan are among the North East organ donators who received the Order of St John Award for Organ Donation in recognition for the lives they saved following their tragic deaths. The award is run in conjunction with NHS Blood and Transplant and was given to their families and loved ones on their behalf.
And today their loved ones spoke of their pride in collecting the award of their loved ones behalf.
Read more: Cramlington dad killed on night out helps save the lives of four people through organ donation
Paul's wife Lorraine, from Tynemouth, said: "Being invited to receive such an honorary award on behalf of Paul was a turning point for myself and my family. It was such a proud moment for Paul to be acknowledged for the difference he had made in people's lives."
"He is still seeing the world, just through someone else's body"
Paul had just turned 51 when he suddenly collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital. He had also suffered a catastrophic brain haemorrhage and Lorraine received the devastating news that there was no more that medical staff could do for him.
Lorraine said Paul had "light-hearted conversations" regarding death and organ donation before his passing and always made comments such as "When I'm dead they can have whatever they need as I won't need them anymore". These conversations were remembered by Lorraine and his wishes were granted.

She added: "At the time of the award ceremony we had received letters from a few of the recipients of Paul's organs and we found this comforting to hear that he had gone on to make a huge difference in many lives.
"Paul's kidneys have given a lifesaving and improved quality of life to two people, his liver went to someone who possibly only had days to live and his eyes have returned eyesight to several people. As my daughter said 'he is still seeing the world, just through someone else's body.'"
"I know there is part of John helping someone and he is living on"
John David Tinling's award was accepted on his behalf by his mum Jennifer. The 49-year-old, from Newcastle, donated both of his kidneys and tissues, and his mum explained that she knew John would have wanted to become an organ donor because "he wanted to help people".
Jennifer said: "I remember from when he was really young, he always wanted to help people. He was a lovely lad and would do anything for anybody. I know a lot of people say that but people would come up to me out and about and say how lovely he was."
John had already signed up to become a blood donor years before his passing and at the same time he joined the organ donor register. He later had to stop giving blood but continued to carry the organ donor card with him.

Jennifer added: "Receiving the award on behalf of John was lovely, it was a beautiful service, the staff were so friendly and it was nice to meet the other families there too.
"Agreeing to organ donation has helped me, I know there is part of John helping someone and he is living on. I have his certificate framed on the wall and it brings me comfort to know that John hasn't been forgotten."
"We are so proud of her"
Linda Harrigan's award was accepted on her behalf by her husband John Harrigan.
Linda, 71, from Houghton-le-Spring, suffered a bleed on the brain very suddenly in November 2021. She had a bad headache but then fell off her chair and became unconscious and did not recover.
John said: "Linda and I were married for over 50 years and had talked about organ donation a number of times. Linda was always positive about organ donation and thought it was a good thing to do. She had even filled the forms in twice, the first time over 10 years ago and again about four years ago."
He added: "When we as a family were asked about organ donation we knew it was what Linda wanted and agreed. The staff were very good and kept us updated throughout the process. Linda donated her heart which went into a research programme.
"Receiving the award on behalf of Linda was superb, we are so proud of her."

More than 4,000 people donated their organs after death in 2019, 2020 and 2021, leading to around 10,000 patients' lives being saved or transformed over those three years. Thousands of families will be receiving an award across the UK, at regional ceremonies or privately, in recognition of those who selflessly donated their organs.
Earlier this week, ChronicleLive also reported on the families of Connor Marchbanks, from Forest Hall, and Danny Humble, from Cramlington, who were also honoured with awards. You can read Connor's story here and Danny's story here.

Anthony Clarkson, Director of Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation at NHS Blood and Transplant, said: "The pride families feel at these moving ceremonies truly is inspirational. Transplant patients tell us that organ donors and their families are heroes and the Order of St John award is a chance for us all to recognise them and their amazing contribution to society.
"We hope these awards will inspire other people in Tyne and Wear to tell their families they want to save lives. Being clear with your family about what you want makes things easier at a difficult time, leave them certain about your organ donation decision.
"Families say donation is a source of pride that helps them in their grief and we want to ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to donate and save lives. Please tell your family about your organ donation decision and join the NHS Organ Donor Register at"
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