HDFC Bank has recently said via a Tweet that “#GoDigitalGoSecure and never click on unknown links asking you to update your PAN card details."
Customers of HDFC Bank should always remember that the bank never asks you to share your confidential details via SMS or call. Not only HDFC, but every bank and financial institution never request their customers to share their personal account details. What they do is, send SMS via the official number having an official website of the bank linked in the SMS, which customers should and should keep in mind always. In the case of HDFC Bank customers will get SMS from the official number 186161 or ID HDFCBK/HDFCBN. And links within the SMS will always be from the official domain
As a result, what the bank is warning is customers should not click on the unknown links they get via SMS asking to share confidential details, and they should do the same task over a call if they get a call from an unknown number representing as a banking official to share bank account details. If they get any fake SMS or call they should immediately report it to the bank or they can also visit National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal to file their complaint regarding cyber fraud. Individuals can read the BE(A)WARE - Be Aware and Beware! booklet issued by the RBI Ombudsmen for further guidance on how to take additional measures when conducting financial transactions.